Chapter 26

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Crystal: omg what!!? Babe that's terrible, is she gon be okay?

Josh: [sighs and sits down] honestly, idk baby... my brother didn't go into detail but he said something about a broken leg

Crystal: damn I'm so sorry babe, do you want me to come along for moral support? Plus I could finally get to meet your family [smiles]

Josh: NOOO!!!!

Crystal: -blank stare-

Josh: sorry I didn't mean to yell but uhm, I don't think that's a good idea

Crystal: why not?

Josh: now is just not a good time, I mean you're not exactly the ideal woman that my parents would picture me with

Crystal: [sad] so you're good enough to meet my family but I can't meet yours? Ykw imma leave [stands up]

Josh: shiiit, baby wait!! That's not what I meant

Crystal: no it's cool I get it, it's whatever

Josh: baby no, please come sit back down and let me explain

Crystal: [sighs] explain

Josh: what I meant is I would love nothing more than for you to meet my parents, just not under such sad circumstances. Perhaps a more joyous occasion, I just know that everyone is prolly stressed and I don't wanna put you in that awkward position.

Crystal: I hear you and I hope your mom has a speedy recovery

Josh: thank you baby, and I hope so too

Crystal: so how long will you be gone?

Josh: I'm not sure but not more than a week

Crystal: okay, cool. Well can I atleast drive you to the airport?

Josh: [smiles] only if you don't mind

Crystal: yeah I don't, let's go before you miss your flight

Josh: wait what did Dr Avery say?

Crystal: oh... uhm nothing

Josh: so you're not pregnant?

Crystal: [hesitant] uhhh you know what, we don't have to talk about that right now. Especially when you're dealing with all this, I'll fill you in when you return

Josh: okay baby and thanks for being so understanding

Crystal: sure, and uhm we gotta use your car. I used Lyft to come here because I thought I'd be spending the night

Josh: I'm sorry for messing up our plans, but yeah sure we can take my car


-on the way to the airport-

Josh's phone is automatically synced to the car's bluetooth so he was playing music on the drive to the airport until he got a phonecall from Daniel (his brother).

- on the radio speakers-

Josh: hey bro wassup?

Daniel: hey, just checking in. Did you make it to the airport?

Josh: I'm on the way there

Daniel: okay well don't be late

Josh: [chuckles] bro that's not up to me, I can't control if the flight has some delays or some shit

Daniel: [chuckles] true but Aminat was very adamant abou-

Josh: shiiit, uhm bro let's talk later the network's bad. -hangs up-

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