Chapter 19

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》Fast forward to mid December 》

|Crystal's place |

-Josh cooked breakfast-

Josh: morning babe how'd you sleep?

Crystal: I slept really great, and you?

Josh: [sighs] I slept okay I guess, could've been better

Crystal: [worried] why not? Is something wrong? Are you feeling sick? [Touching his forehead]

Josh: [chuckles] no nothing of that sort, I just miss you that's all

Crystal: [confused] baby I'm right here though

Josh: not like that, I like miss you miss you

Crystal: [laughs] ohhh you mean like that?

Josh: yeah, baby I was thinking... how about we amend "no-nut-November". I mean technically November ended 2 weeks ago

Crystal: [chuckles] true but baby something about this whole celibacy journey has been very empowering, I don't wanna give up on it just yet. I wanna see how long I can hold on

Josh: [sighs] I hear you but baby today marks 45 days since I've felt you!! I don't think I can't take it any longer

Crystal: [kisses him] quit being dramatic, we're at the halfway mark... we can do this!

Josh: [whines] whatever... so what do you have planned for today?

Crystal: nothing too hectic, I just gotta stop by TPS and pick up the scripts for Zatima season 2... prolly also go meet up with the girls, hbu?

Josh: I'm meeting with Nicky and some of the fellas, we're gonna watch the game

Crystal: oh okay. Well you guys have fun! I'll see you later [kisses him goodbye]

Josh: mmmh you keep kissing me like that, we ain't gon last 45 more days

Crystal: [smiles] boyyy bye

|Nicky's place|

-Josh is the last one to arrive-

Nicky: [daps him up] oh so he's still alive?

Josh: [laughs] hey bro, hey fellas

Tony: it's been a minute bro, good to see you

Kev: fr!! I was convinced we'd have to host the next game day at your girl's crib

Josh: okay yall are being a lil too dramatic, I ain't been MIA for that long

Nicky: bro yes you have!! Ever since you started kicking it with Crystal you forgot all about us

Kev: facts!! Ngl that shit broke my heart nigga

Josh: [laughs] not yall being jealous of my lady

Tony: man ain't nobody jealous, we just miss you that's all

Josh: well I'm here now fellas, so let's get this bro day started

-They turn on the game and watch while drinking beers and eating snacks, pizza etc-

Nicky: jokes aside bro, how have you and Crystal been doing?

Josh: we're good man how bout you and Jazzy?

Nicky: [smiles] Jazzy is cool man and I like that she's such a super freak

Tony: looks like somebody's in love

Nicky: absolutely not!! We're not there yet, we just chillin

Josh: yeah okay. So is she the reason you pulled out of no-nut-November this year?

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