Chapter 13

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|Ellis residence |

Crystal: [looks at Devale] D I'm not tryna show my ass so please get your mama

Vicky: [chuckles] oh but you already showed your ass on that sex tape

Devale: omg ma please just stop!! Crystal I'm sorry about all this, don't worry imma fix it!

Crystal: [heads to the door]

Vicky: lil girl if you touch that door knob I swear I'll blow up your entire career! One phonecall to the blogs and poof! Reputation ruined!

Crystal stops and turns around, she slowly makes her way back to the living room and takes a seat

Vicky: [smiles] you're a smart girl for cooperating

Devale: ma that tape implicates me too! Please just let Crystal go, she doesn't deserve any of this!

Kay: yes it implicates you both but honey you and I have been in this industry long enough to know that the public ALWAYS blames the other woman

Vicky: exactly! And since we're controlling the narrative we can falsify the version of events

Devale: you wouldn't dare

Vicky: try me!!

Devale: [looks at Crys and mouths I'm sorry]

Vicky: contrary to what you think son, I love you and I have your best interests at heart! You and Kay built this empire 17 years ago and based it on a solid FATITHFUL foundation! I will be damned if I just sit back and watch you ruin all that for some skank!

Crystal: Ms Vicky I understand that you're upset and so am I but do you see how I continue to address you with respect? I expect the same from you!

Devale: yeah ma the name calling is not cool, chill on that

Vicky: [sighs] okay fine I'll stop!

Crystal: [annoyed] so are we done here? I got things to do

Vicky: so you don't care if I blow up your career?

Crystal: I didn't say that but I know how this gon go. Yall want me to stay away from Devale in return of yall not posting that tape! I can do that, I've been doing that!! Your son is the one who can't seem to stay away from me

Devale: [scoffs] touchè Crys

Crystal: but did I lie?

Devale: [chuckles] nah

Crystal: exactly! So uhm yeah yall got a deal- imma head out now because like I said... I got things to do!

Kay: [laughs] oh girl hush, you ain't that got damn busy

Crystal: [chuckles] well Kay Kay, some of us actually have jobs and careers! We don't survive off our husband's checks

Kay: [fuming] bitch you can't come to MY house and disrespect me, get tf out!!

Crystal: [scoffs] gladly!

Vicky: Khadeen calm down, Crystal sit down! I'm not done talking

Crystal: what else is there to talk about?

Vicky: Jordyn

Crystal and Devale lock eyes because remember, no one knows about the 5 year old daughter except them 2. (Or so they thought...)

Devale: [interjects] ma Crystal ain't got shit to do with that! She doesn't even know the girl

Crystal: exactly! My business with yall is done, I have to go meet with my assistant

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