Chapter 60

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{AN: It has been four months since the last occurrence so imma start this chapter off with a mini recap of all/ most the events that took place during that period.}


The morning after Crystal and Devale reconciled, they drove back to her place together and arrived at around mid-day. Crystal's day of prayer & meditation helped her realize that she was ready to have a honest heart-to-heart conversation with her mother and forgive where needs be for the sake of bringing her baby into a healthy family environment. However, upon arrival at Crystal's place they only found Jeff there and he informed them that Gladys left on the first flight out. Although Crystal was disappointed by her mother's cowardice ways she took it as a sign that maybe she wasn't ready to forgive after all. Jeff ended up staying a few more days just to make sure that his daughter was okay and in better spirits; once he was satisfied with Crystal's mood change he also left back to Tennessee but promised he'd be back for the baby shower and once the baby is born.

Crystal was initially against the idea of having a baby shower but Jazzy, Kayla and Morgan eventually managed to convince her into having a small event with just close family and friends. Crystal ended up agreeing and they threw her a surprise baby shower during her 7th month of pregnancy, she got tons of gifts for her babygirl and she also got to spend the day with the people who are near & dear to her heart. Everyone she loves and cherishes was in attendance except for Gladys whom she hadn't seen or spoken to since their heated argument.

Crystal was definitely heartbroken that her mother couldn't put their differences aside and come celebrate her granddaughter, Morgan and Jeff did however reassure her that although Gladys acts like she doesn't love her - she does; she just has a hard time admitting when she's wrong. Morgan also informed her that their mother had started attending weekly therapy sessions with a professional. The last word of advice that Morgan offered up to her before going back to Tennessee was to focus on herself and her baby, in direct quotation she said: "baby sis you know I love you and I got you - and as far as mommy is concerned... we both know that she is very stubborn but I think therapy will work in her favor. In the meantime I want you to remain stress free and just focus on you and the baby. I have faith that this drama between you and mommy will eventually work itself out".

《《Present day》》

|Crystal's place|

Crystal is now 9 months pregnant and she's already a week past due her actual due date. Dr Avery assured them that there's nothing to worry about yet and that they'd only induce labor if she went past 42 weeks.

Everyone BUT Crystal seems to be ready for the baby's arrival, she is yet to pack her hospital bag and she's also not doing the daily exercises that Dr Avery said could help induce labor... Luckily, Morgan has been in town for the past week and she's been helping Crystal get ready for labor/delivery while Devale also worked on personally building and furnishing the nursery.

|Crystal's room|

Crystal was sitting on her bed watching TV while rubbing on her belly in circular motions when Morgan came in holding a tray full of questionable snacks.

Morgan: hey sissy, how are you feeling?

Crystal: I'm good, why?

Morgan: Crystal you know you don't have to pretend with me right?

Crystal: [fake smile] Morgan I'm really fine, don't worry about me.

Morgan: you sure?

Crystal: yes! (Looks at the tray) what's all this stuff?

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