Chapter 43

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▪︎▪︎▪︎TWO MONTHS LATER▪︎▪︎▪︎



Dr Jones: good morning Crystal and friend, so have you been following the physiotherapist's orders?

Luka: [side eyes her]

Crystal: [chuckles] dont give me that look... uhm Dr Jones yes I have

Dr Jones: [chuckles] you do know that the x-rays can tell when you're lying right?

Crystal: [looks down]

Dr Jones: well Crystal I'm sorry to break it to you but you're not getting the cast removed today because your leg hasn't fully healed and that's because you haven't been resting it as instructed

Crystal: [sighs] -looking sad-

Luka: aht aht, now is not the time for sadness! I told you to take it easy and you didn't wanna hear it! Doc this one is so stubborn, she literally only listens to the voices in her head [chuckles]

Dr Jones: [chuckles] well Crystal thanks to those voices you need to keep using the crutches and please please refrain from putting any unnecessary pressure on that leg! That refers to walking/standing for long periods, driving, and any strenuous activities and before you ask... yes that does include gym exercises

Crystal: [sighs] I can agree to all those but damn doc the gym??! That's literally my life! My followers rely on me to post content

Dr Jones: I know it's not easy but you have to sacrifice some things if you wanna make a full recovery and have the cast removed within a month

Luka: [rubs her back] don't worry, in a month you'll have your leg back and you'll be able to hit the gym. In the meantime you and I can find other ways to exercise [winks]

Crystal: [chuckles] okay I guess, will that be all for today doc?

Dr Jones: yes, I'll see you back here in a month. And uhm word of advice, listen to this gentleman -points to Luka- he clearly has your best interests at heart!

Luka: [smiles] her mama shares the same sentiment

Crystal: [chuckles and rolls eyes] I hear you doc, thanks for everything

**Crystal and Luka walk out of Dr Jones' office holding hands**

Crystal: thank you for coming all this way with me

Luka: oh its no big deal, you know I got your back

Crystal: so... what do you have planned before our flight tomorrow?

Luka: well... as much as I'd love to spend some time with you I have a business meeting to get to

Crystal: [sad] oh... okay

Luka: [sighs] don't be like that, you know I would move it if I could but I promise I'll make it up to you -pecks her lips-

Crystal: [smiles]

Devale: [from behind them] Crystal?

Crystal: [turns around] Devale?

Devale: hey! I haven't seen you in a while...

Crystal: yeah it's been a while, what are you doing at the hospital? Is everything okay?

Devale: are you gonna introduce me to your guy friend?

Luka: [reaches for a handshake] what's up man! I'm Luka and you are?

Devale: Devale, so are yall dating or?

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