Chapter 40

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Devale has been anxiously pacing around the waiting room since he is yet to get an update on Crystal and Amira. By the time he and Khadeen arrived to the hospital, they were both being wheeled into the ER, he also mustered up the strength to call Jordyn and she said she'll be there in the morning...

Devale: uhm excuse me. When the fuck do you think you'll be able to give me an update??!

Receptionist: I'm sorry sir, but like I've been saying for the past hour. I can't say anything until the Dr comes to give you an update, so please have a seat and be patient

Devale knocks the can of pens and a vase of flowers off the front desk area. The vase shatters and there's glass all over as the security runs to difuse the situation

Devale: [yelling] FUCKKKK

Khadeen: [tries to touch him] Devale I need you to calm down, you're on 10 right now but it's not helping the situation! The security is gonna have you thrown out then what good will that be?

Devale: DO NOT fuckin touch me!!! Why the hell are you even here? I can't stand to look at you right now! The sight of you is repulsive!!!

Khadeen: [sighs] okay maybe I deserve that but I'm not going anywhere

Devale: [starting to calm down] why Kay? What did I do to you that's so bad that you'd cause me this much heartache? -sits down and starts crying in his hands-

Khadeen: [teary-eyed] I'm sorry Devale, it wasn't supposed to go down like this, I swear! That's why I told you to call her, I tried to stop it from happening

Devale: what do you mean? Are you saying that this was premeditated?

Khadeen: [crying] -nods her head yes-

Devale: lemme tell you something! You better pray to whatever God you believe in that my daughter is okay! I swear on my life, if anything happens to that lil girl you'll feel my wrath!!!

Khadeen: [sniffling] Devale, Amira wasn't supposed to be in that car, it wa-

Devale: [chokes her] shut tf up!!! Don't even fix your mouth to justify this bullshit! [let's go of her neck] Crystal doesn't deserve this shit either!! All she ever did was love me!! [sighs] what exactly did you do to that car and who were you working with because I know you're not smart enough to pull off some shit like this on your own!

Khadeen: [stuttering]

Devale: [yelling] speak up!!!

Just as Khadeen was about to confess their whole plan, Vicky and her husband (Eddie) showed up...

Vicky: [crying hysterically] OMGGGG Devale, what happened?! I saw on the news that Crystal was involved in an accident

Devale: [crying] this is on the news already?

Eddie: (Devale's dad) yes son, see -pointing to the hospital TV-

News anchor: breaking news! Sistas and Zatima star Crystal Renée Hayslett has been involved in a fatal car accident! We don't know full details as to what happened or if she was alone, bystanders who witnessed the whole thing claim that she ran past a red light and drove straight into oncoming traffic! Many are speculating that she had too much to drink at the Zatima premiere while others think it was a suicide attempt, which is honestly uncommon for celebs. Use our hashtag and let us know what you think! Stay tuned, we'll bring you more as the story progresses...

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