Chapter 6

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Crystal: [teary-eyed] Josh baby, please just let me explain

Josh: [steps forward and puts his index finger on her lips] shhh

Crystal: [looks down]

Josh: I thought I'd stop by to come support you because I know how much this night meant to you, but I think it's best if I leave

Josh: [cups her face] you already know how I feel about you so please don't contact me until you get your shit together [pecks her lips and walks away]

Devale: [looks jealous]

Khadeen: [notices and gets angry tears] how long?

Devale: how long what baby?

Khadeen: Devale don't fuckin play with me!! How long has this been going on

Crystal: -silent-

Devale: baby there's nothing going on between Crissy- I mean Crystal and I.

Khadeen: [yelling] shut up! Just shut tf up! This is just Jordyn all over again!!!

Crystal: [confused] uhm who's Jordyn?

Devale: [nervous] baby let's just go inside [pulls Khadeen]

Khadeen: [pushes his hand] no!!! She deserves to know

Crystal: know what?!

Khadeen: first of all, lower your voice. Let's not act like you weren't sleeping with my husband

Crystal: [sighs] look Khadeen I'm sorry for the part I played in this, but I think you should know I broke it off. I'm tryna move on with my life as you just saw

Khadeen: [wipes tears] but he won't let you huh?

Crystal: [confused]

Khadeen: [sighs] look Crystal I've always liked you because I thought you were smart or atleast smart enough to resist this cheating bastard

Devale: ay chill with the name calling

Khadeen & Crystal: [in unison] shut up Devale!

Crystal: [sighs] what did you mean you thought I was smart?

Khadeen: [smiles] oh Crissy, you're just a pawn in a game of chess

Devale: [nervous] Khadeen stop talking!

Tyler: [interrupts] what the hell are yall doing out here?! We're ready to get started

Devale held his wife's hand and they made their way into the venue, fake smiling like they're a perfect happy couple. Crystal shortly followed after.

|Inside the venue|

Tyler: ladies and gentlemen, thank you so much for joining us tonight! This project is very dear to my heart and you'll instantly be able to tell that my shining stars (Devale & Crys) put their all into it! Please sit back and relax for the first time screening of Tyler Perry's Zatima!!!

Audience: [applause]

Halfway into the episode and  Crystal's mind was racing, what did Khadeen mean she was just a pawn?! She decided to brush it off and salvage what was left of the night. Until... the infamous sex scene from Zatima season 1 episode 1 came on. Although she couldn't bring herself to make eye contact with anyone but the screen she could sense the eyes of judgement- more especially from Khadeen. The 3min scene went on for what felt like 3 hours but eventually the episode came to an end and the rest of the night consisted of a party vibe.

Kayla: [hugs her] I'm so proud of you bestie!!

Jazzy: [hugs her] yeaa girl you did that!!

Crystal: [smiles] thank you, so no judgement for that [whispers] sex scene?

Jazzy: [laughs] bitch side eye

Kayla: [laughs] Chelsea come on now

Crystal: [laughs] not yall quoting Tiktok, I love yall

They hug and say " we love you too". They danced the night away and had some drinks, Crystal saw Khadeen sitting alone at the bar and took the chance!

Crystal: hey can we talk?

Khadeen: I ain't got shit to say to you

Crystal: Khadeen please, I just wanna ask you one thing

Khadeen stands up and they both make their way to the balcony

Khadeen: [irritated] talk!!

Crystal: what did you mean back there?

Khadeen: I'm not obligated to answer you

Crystal: I know that and I totally get it, I betrayed you but if our friendship ever meant anything to you, please just tell me

Khadeen: [sighs] only because I really like you Crystal and I think you're a dope ass chick

Crystal: thank you and I think you're cool too

Khadeen: this wasn't Devale's first time cheating with his co-star. A few years ago there was Jordyn, she was beautiful but young and naive [chuckles] poor thing really believed that Devale loved her

Crystal: [embarrassed because she too thought it was love] I don't understand, if you know he's a cheater why continue to stay with him? Better yet, why continue to allow him to book roles that entail sex scenes?

Khadeen: [sighs] because it pays the bills! I'm a house wife and a stay at home mom, my influencer checks aren't enough to support 4 kids! I know it's a fucked up situation but I'd be damned if I just let him go, not when I invested 17 years!!

Crystal: -silent-

Khadeen: look don't judge me, this is just my cross to carry. Word of advice, don't find yourself tangled up in Ellis business- you'll lose!

Crystal: so what happened to Jordyn? Did they just stop the affair?

Khadeen: [chuckles] see now that I can't tell you, but I know you're a smart girl and you'll take my advice! Oh and uhhh, nice sex scene- I almost believed that yall never actually did that or worse [laughs and walks away]

Crystal: [thinks to herself] what the fuck are the Ellis' on??!

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