Chapter 15

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|Crystal's place|

Crystal: [opens the door] wtf are you doing here?

Devale: can I come in?

Crystal: no!! Why are you here?

Devale: [sighs] you didn't wanna come to me so I came to you

Crystal: [pissed] Devale you're so fuckin selfish!!! You literally heard your mother threaten my career and yet you have the nerve to bring your ass over here even though you know your psycho wife is tracking your phone!!! Nigga do you have a death wish?

Devale: [chuckles] Kay is crazy but she'd never kill me

Crystal: nigga don't nobody give a fuck about Kay! I'm talking about me!!

Devale: [laughs] you love me, you know you'd never kill me

Crystal: keep fuckin with me and you'll find out! Look Devale I'm sorry you're hurting, but I'm not the source of your pain and I will no longer be the bitch you use to relieve your sexual tension

Devale: [teary-eyed] baby please don't say that! You're not a bitch and sex with you was never that! It was special and it was real, Crystal I love you

Crystal: no you don't!! Stop fuckin saying that!! I need you to get this through your skull- WE ARE DONE!!!

Devale: [crying] baby please you don't mean that, this can't be the end. You're the only stable thing in my life rn

Crystal: [teary-eyed] look I'm sorry Devale but I mean it! I can't keep living my life like this, I have a nigga who wants to love me but I won't let him because you keep stringing me along! That shit ends today!!! You'll always be my friend and my co-star and we still got a lot of TV magic to make, I'll always be rooting for you but this is the end! I'm going after Joshua with all of my heart!

Devale: [crying] Crystal please you don't mean that

Josh: [behind them] I think she does, it's time for you to go bro

Devale: [scoffs] nigga wtf are you doing here?

Josh: unlike you I was invited

Crystal: Devale please stop making this hard on yourself! Please get off my property before your psychotic family pops up

Devale: [quiet just stands there]

Josh: nigga are you hard of hearing?! The lady said leave!

Devale: *gets in his car and leaves*

Josh: [smiles] hey

Crystal: hey

Josh: can I come in?

Crystal: sure, but please no more bullshit! I've had enough of that today!

-they walk in and close the door-

Crystal: your bag is over there [points]

Josh: is this what you really want?

Crystal: what I want doesn't matter

Josh: yes it does and FYI I heard everything you said back there

Crystal: mmh idk what you're talking about

Josh: [chuckles and walks closer to her] oh is that right? Miss "I'm going after Josh with all my heart"

Crystal: [chuckles] don't mock me!

Josh: that's not what I'm doing baby

Crystal: then why are you here?

Josh: [sarcastic] uhm because you told me to come over

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