Chapter 45

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Crystal and Devale finally make it downstairs, he's carrying her as he walks into the living room and finds Jazzy and Kayla seated on the couch. Jazzy's phone timer starts buzzing...

Jazzy: [laughs] oop not you made it back right on time

Crystal: [chuckles] I told you

*Devale puts her on the couch*

Jazzy: uhm what's going on here?

Devale: her crutches were down here and she's not allowed to walk without them so I carried her

Jazzy: I'm pretty sure she's not allowed to fuck either but I digress [shrugs]

Crystal: [laughs and slightly elbows her]

Kayla: uhm hey Devale, haven't seen you in a minute. You good?

Devale: hey Kayla and yeah I'm good, you?

Crystal: she's good they both are -pointing to the door- it's time for you to go, I'll call you later

Devale: [chuckles] why does this make me feel like you got what you wanted and now you're throwing me out?

Crystal: [laughs] it's not like that, I just need to catch up with my girls

Devale: yeah okay, bye ladies -pecks Crystal's lips then he leaves-

Crystal: I can't believe you heffas started watching Golden Girls without me

Kayla: girl Jazzy started watching without both of us! Shit I literally just got here

Jazzy: [sucks her teeth] well wtf was I supposed to do while little miss cripple was getting some dick

Crystal: [laughs] okay ntm... so what's for lunch I'm starving

Jazzy: yo ass ought to be starving... girl wtf were you thinking bringing Devale over here knowing there's nothing but alcohol?! Bitch even Stevie Wonder could've seen that yall was just gon end up drunk and fuck!

Kayla: [laughs] damn Jazzy chill... anyway I got pizza, lemon pepper wings,  snacks and a bottle of tequila. We'll see what we mix it with

Crystal: -starts dishing up for herself- thank you bestie

Kayla: oh no don't thank me, thank yo nigga who's not really yo nigga but acts like he is [chuckles]

Crystal: [laughs] Jazzy got you saying that dumb shit

Kayla: it's catchy

Jazzy: [death stare] Crystal I know you're not sitting there eating and you ignored my question

Crystal: [sighs] it wasn't my idea to let Devale come over. Luka and I saw him at the hospital, so since Luka had to rush off to a meeting he asked D to bring me home

Jazzy and Kayla look at each other and start laughing

Crystal: [confused] did I say something funny?

Jazzy: oh no no, we're just laughing at poor sweet Luka. He's a nice guy but damn can he really he that oblivious?!

Kayla: right?! I love you sis but I think Luka is a little but too good for you

Crystal: okay I'm offended!

Kayla: [chuckles] no don't be! I didn't mean it like that, it's just uhm... how can I put this in a nice way...

Jazzy: girl there's no 'nice way' to put it... what she's saying is Luka practically handed you over to Devale on a silver platter when he asked him to bring you home! I'm sure you and Devale had already started eye fucking from the moment yall made eye contact and he just disregarded all that and sent yall to go be alone together??!

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