Chapter 31

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It has been a week since the occurrence in Nigeria. Crystal did in fact have plenty of fun in Mauritius, although she didn't engage in any sexual activity with anyone she still vibed with some good looking guys but nothing serious.

The getaway was indeed the perfect escape but of course it was cut short because reality was calling... Crystal also blocked Joshua on all social media platforms and hasn't heard from him since.

Today is Friday and Crystal has agreed to accompany Devale to the mall to go look for a birthday present for Amira who's turning 6 tomorrow. Since Crystal hasn't spoken to Devale in a while he also suggested that they go for a light meal just to catch up.


Devale: thank you so much for agreeing to accompany me, I figured that you'd have the perfect expertise because of your nieces

Crystal: [chuckles] you make buying a gift fit a 6-year-old sound so complicated

Devale: [chuckles] you can't blame me, this is my first rodeo at being a girl dad... I'm still learning!

Crystal: yeah I guess so

Devale: so homie... how have you been? It's been a minute since we last sat down and talked

Crystal: [sighs] I haven't been doing too good but it'll get better with time

Devale: -touches her hand- hey you know you can talk to me about anything right?

Crystal: -holding back tears- it's a lot D, I wouldn't even know where to start

Devale: start at the beginning and take your time, I'm here for you Crys

Crystal: -retells everything that happened in Nigeria-

Devale: [pissed] wow!! You know I knew he wasn't shit, you were too good for him

Crystal: [teary-eyed] it's funny how everyone keeps saying that but I just don't see it. I always thought he was too good for me, like he's a saint that was brought into my life as karma

Devale: [teary-eyed] Crystal no!! I will not sit here and watch your trash talk yourself! Why would you even say that?

Crystal: [sighs] idk D, but after the trip to Mauritius I had some time to think and I realized that everything that goes wrong in my life must be some sort of consequence for sneaking around with a married man

Devale: come on now, you know that ain't true! What we did meant more to me than just a sneaky link! I love you Crystal, always have and always will

Crystal: [smiles] and I love you too D but it still doesn't excuse what we did and the role I played in it. I mean shit, I nearly broke down your happy home and almost lost my reputation in the process! All that and my ass can't even keep a man [tears start falling] this is my karma D and the sooner I accept it, the sooner I'll be able to move forward with my life.

Devale: okay I hear you but you and I played an equal role in our affair, so where's my karma?

Crystal: [shrugs] shit idk, maybe it's still on the horizon

Devale: hard pass!! Double it and give it to the next person

Crystal: [laughs] you're a fool

Devale: [smiles] there's that smile! I love it when you smile

Crystal: thanks D, for today and for everything!

Devale: are you gon be okay?

Crystal: [sighs] eventually yeah, but it's gon take some time! I think I need to do some soul searching and fall in love with me before jumping into another relationship

Devale: [smiles] I love that for you! And for the record, you did not 'break down my happy home' Kay and I had issues way before you came into the picture

Crystal: speaking of her... how's she adjusting to being a stepmommy?

Devale: not well at all, she says she's okay with it but deep down I know she kinda resents Amira. I mean that little girl not only represents what I couldn't give her but also the result of my infidelity! You know she's not even coming to her birthday party tomorrow, she said I can take the boys but she'll sit it out

Crystal: damn that's deep! But I think you should be more graceful with her- at least she's trying, I mean it's probably not easy

Devale: [smiles] you amaze me you know that?

Crystal: [smiles] and why's that?

Devale: because even after everything she's put you through you still stick up for her. You have a good heart Crystal Renée and I know that one day the perfect guy will come your way and love you right

Crystal: [smiles] thanks D, so you ready to go to the toy store?

Devale: -pays the bill- yeah, but uhm I need a favor

Crystal: what?

Devale: I would like it if you could come to the party tomorrow?

Crystal: [hesitant] mmh I don't think that's a good idea D, it's gonna look wrong if I'm there and your wife isn't

Devale: [scoffs] Kay declined the invite, that's on her! Pleaseee Crys, I'd really love it if you came

Crystal: ok I'll think about it

|Toys R Us|

Devale and Crystal have been walking around the toy store aisles picking out various items...

Devale: [holding a box] how bout this?

Crystal: [laughs] hell no! What kinda 6-year-old girl plays with Marvel action figures?

Devale: [shrugs] see this why I needed you here

Crystal: you're very welcome friend! And uhm I think we got more than enough items, we should go pay

Devale: are you sure?

Crystal: [eyes wide] nigga yess!! This cart is damn near overflowing with toys [chuckles]

Devale: [looks sad] okay

Crystal: -holds his hands- what are you not telling me Devale? And don't dare say 'it's nothing' I know you better than anyone!

Devale: oh really?

Crystal: yes! I know you like to overcompensate by buying extravagant gifts! What's going on D?

Devale: [teary-eyed] remember that talk we had about karma?

Crystal: yeah?

Devale: [sighs] well... I might've lied just a lil bit.  I think my karma has made it's way to me too

Crystal: what do you mean?

Devale: Jordyn's temporarily moving to London! Tomorrow will be the first birthday I spend with my babygirl then after that, I might not see her for a year or even more [starts crying]

Crystal: [hugs him] damn I'm sorry D

They stay in that embrace for a while until Crystal is able to calm Devale down, as they let go of each other Crystal places a soft kiss on Devale's cheek and that's when a voice from behind interjects

Joshua: [scoffs] I should've known your weak ass would go running back to this nigga

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