Chapter 4

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|Josh's house|

Crystal: wow your place is really nice! Who knew photography paid this much

Josh: [chuckles] photography is just a side hustle. Like I said, I'm a man of many talents

Crystal: [blushes]

Josh: can I get you something to drink?

Crystal: a glass of wine

Josh: what kind?

Crystal: surprise me

Josh walks to the kitchen to go pour the wine while Crystal gets comfortable on the couch. Truth is she was feeling kinda nervous because this would be her first time with a man other than Devale in over 2 years!

Josh: [smiles] here you go

Crystal: [drinks] mmh excellent choice! Thank you

Josh: [leans in for a kiss]

Crystal: [stops him]

Josh: [concerned] are you okay?

Crystal: uhm yeah, just a little nervous [chuckles]

Josh: don't be, we can take it as slow as you want. [Cups her face] we don't have to do anything if you're not ready

Crystal: no I'm ready, I want this- I want you.

Crystal gets on top of his lap and faces him. Josh wraps his arms around her waist.

Crystal: it's just that uhm... I've been with the same man for 2 years [looks down] and also uhhh... you'll probably think I'm silly but I heard that Nigerians dick size ain't for the weak [chuckles]

Josh: [laughs] I... I don't know what to say

Crystal: well... is it?

Josh: [confused] is it what?

Crystal: [whispers] that big?

Josh takes her hand and slowly slips it into his pants so she can feel his hard member

Josh: [smirks] why don't you find out for yourself?

Crystal's eyes get big as she feels the size of his dick

Josh: [laughs] are you up for the challenge?

Crystal: always!

Josh carries her and leads them to the bedroom, they tongue kissed all the way there...

Josh gently starts loosening the straps of her dress which easily falls off as she didn't have on a bra. Crystal takes the next step and undresses Josh- the two are now left in just their bottom underwear.

Crystal lays on the bed as Josh hovers over her and slowly spreads her legs open. He buries his face in between her legs and starts giving her head while she grabs onto the sheets moaning uncontrollably.

Josh comes back up pleased with his skills as he watches her try to regain her breath.

Crystal: [outta breath] shiiiit what was that?

Josh: [smirks] did you like it?

Crystal: [smiles] yes

Josh goes back to kissing her all over her neck, breasts and lips. He removes his boxers and grabs a condom from the side table. Crystal's eyes get big as she comes face2face with his large member. Josh notices her tense up so he whispers "just relax". He slowly proceeds with kissing her until he finally lines his member at her tight entrance.

Josh: you ready?

Crystal: [nods]

They both moan out "FUCKKKKK" as he slips the tip in and feels how warm she is. He slowly starts thrusting into her and going deeper, but carefully making sure to take his time and be gentle.

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