Chapter 29

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Jazzy arranged for the hotel shuttle driver to accompany them to the Adaye residence. Upon arrival, the first thing they saw was a midlle-aged woman sweeping the premise.
They all got out of the vehicle and walked towards the gate...

Mama G: hello may I help you?

Jazzy: good morning mam, we're uhm looking for Joshua- we're friends of his from the states

Mama G: [smiles] ah yes, I've heard a lot about you all. Please come in

Kayla: -walking in- thank you! My name is Kayla, this is Jazzy and-

Mama G: [stares and smiles at Crystal] you must be the gorgeous and talented Crystal?

Crystal: [smiles back] and you must be the infamous Mama G?

Mama G: [twirls] the one and only!!

Crystal: it's a pleasure to meet you!

Mama G: likewise! Joshie speaks highly of you! I didn't realize I'd be meeting you so soon though.

Jazzy: [mumbles] hold on ain't she supposed to have like a broken leg and scars and shit?

Crystal: not to sound rude or anything but uhm aren't yo- [stuttering]

Jazzy: -chimes in- how are you doing since the car accident?

Crystal: -shoots her a death stare-

Jazzy: [shrugs] you were taking too long

Mama G: [shocked] God forbid!! I wasn't in any car accident

Crystal: [nervous laugh] uhm forgive my friend, I think there seems to be some confusion. Josh had told me that he's coming home because his mom was involved in a car accident

Mama G: [eyes wide] whaaat??! So you telling me that boy decided to cover up his lies by wishing ill on me??!

Crystal: hold on what lies?

Mama G: uhm please have a seat by the chairs under that tree, I'll get my daughter to bring you all some refreshments. -yells her name- Precious!!!

Precious: -comes running- yes Mama?

Mama G: please bring our guests some refreshme-

Precious: [screams] OMGGGGG you're Fatima from Sistas??! No way are you at my house!!

Mama G: -lightly pops her- please forgive her, teenagers [chuckles]

Crystal: [chuckles] oh it's cool, I'm honestly humbled to know that I have supporters all the way in Nigeria

Precious: supporters?! No girl I'm like a super fan!! Hold on what are you doing here?... wait!! No fuckin wayyyy [screams]

Mama G: -pops her- what'd I tell you about that cussing? Especially in front of your elders?

Precious: -rubs her arm- ow mommy!! That was uncalled for! Anyway, so you're telling me YOU'RE dating my musty brother?! No offense sis, but you can do better than common ordinary Joshie. He's beneath you [chuckles]

Jazzy: [chuckles] I like her! She's honest

Crystal: girl please, you have a problem with everyone I date

Mama G: Precious go prepare those refreshments and call your brother please

Precious: [yells] Joshuaaaaaa

Josh: -comes running- he immediately freezes as he comes face2face with Crystal and her friends

Mama G: ah-uh Joshie, why are you acting like you don't know this poor girl? You've literally talked about her since you got here

Josh: -still frozen-

Precious: [scoffs] like I said sis, he's beneath you!

Mama G: [death stare] Precious go get the refreshments please!!

Precious: ugh fineee!! But yall better not let her leave before I get a selfie! Because I swear nobody at uni will believe this! *goes back in the house*

Mama G: [shakes him] Joshua!! What is your problem?

Josh: -snaps out- uhm nothing mama, I'm fine! H-hey Crystal w-what brings you by? [stuttering]

Crystal: are you being fr right now? [Exhales] I wanted to surprise you, but it seems I'm the one who's surprised

Josh: what do you mean?

Crystal: [rolls eyes] idk nigga, how about the fact that your mother is standing right here! Healthy as an ox! No scar or band-aid in sight? No broken leg?

Josh: baby ik this looks bad but I can explain

Mama G: oh please do explain Joshua!! I really am keen to know how I got reeled into being the center of your lies?

Crystal: again with this "lie" word... what have you been lying about Josh?

Jazzy: [mumbles] shit what hasn't he been lying about?

Just as Josh was about to explain, a little girl (Amaka) came running out the house holding a play station controller

Amaka: [yelling] daddyyy it's your turn to play

Crystal: [eyes wide]

Josh: shiit!! -walks to her- Baby please just give me a chance to explain

Jazzy: [scoffs] I told yall this nigga wasn't shit, didn't I??!

Kayla: no you didn't Jazzy

Jazzy: okay but I was thinking it

Crystal: can yall please shut up!! -looks at Josh- so you have a daughter?

Josh: [exhales] yes but its not what it looks like

Crystal: [holding back tears] uhm mama G thank you for inviting us into your home but I think it's best if I leave now -stands up-

Josh: [pulls her arm] baby wait

Crystal: [snatches her arm back] DON'T TOUCH ME!! -walking toward the shuttle car-

Josh: -following behind- baby please just let me explain

Crystal ignores his pleas as they all enter the car and close the doors. Just as they're about to drive off she opens her window...

Crystal: [teary-eyed] you lied to me Joshua! -closes window-

**they drive of**

Josh stands there in tears looking like a fool. He slowly walks back to the tree where his mom was still sitting with Amaka lap. His mother looked at him with utmost disappointment while Precious finally made her back holding a tray of refreshments

Precious: [scoffs] what happened?! Where's Crystal?


Precious: -puts the tray down and comes face2face with Josh- you ruined it didn't you?! Ughhh fuck you Joshua!! [Grabs a glass and throws the drink in his face before running off]

Josh: -wiping his face- mama are you just gonna let her get away with that?

Mama G: [stands up] you chose to lie to that lovely lady! And for what?! I'm sorry Joshie but I'm on your sister's side this time. You made your bed and now you gotta lay in it *walks away with Amaka*

Josh: [yells] FUCKKKK

Josh pulls out his phone and starts tracking Crystal's phone location. The ping picks up at The Wheatbaker hotel. He jogs back into the house and grabs the car keys from the table.

Precious: I'm gonna tell daddy you're taking his car without permission

Josh: Precious ik I fucked up but I need you to not tell dad about anything that happened!! Please, I promise I can fix this

Precious: [scoffs] fineee!! And Joshie you better make sure you bring me back an autographed photo or something!

Josh: I'll see what I can do *he leaves*

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