Chapter 7

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Jazzy: hey we bout to head out you good?

Crystal: yeah

Kayla: you sure? You know you can come spend the night at my house right?

Crystal: no I'm cool but thanks for the offer, drive safe!

Jazzy: you too boo and congrats once again on Zatima, it's a hit!

|Crystal's place|

She just got out of the shower and is now laying in bed, watching TV. Truth is she couldn't sleep because of the conversation she had earlier with Khadeen and the run-in with Josh.

Against her better judgement she took it upon herself to find this Jordyn girl and find out exactly what happened! She knew she would fail if she tried alone so she texted Jazzy and enlisted her stalking skills. Within a few minutes she got a text from Jazzy indicating that she did indeed find her IG account!

Crystal: [phonecall] girl in 3min?! Yeah that's a new record [laughs]

Jazzy: [laughs] yall might be right, I'm in the wrong profession! I need to quit making drinks and work at a police station

Crystal: [laughs] lawd I can't even imagine you as a detective

Jazzy: lol same, so what's the story with this Jordyn chick? Why the urgency?

Crystal: uhm, I just wanted to recruit her for a Clinique campaign- they're celebrating black women in film

Jazzy: [laughs] you've always been a terrible liar

Crystal: idk what you're talking about

Jazzy: girl stop the cap! It's no coincidence that you're researching Devale's former co-star! Anyway, I know you'll tell me when you're ready. I got a man to get back to, bye

Crystal: hold on, what man?!

Jazzy laughs and hangs up but not before Crystal heard Nicky's voice in the background.

Crystal scrolled through Jordyn's page and saw that she lives a decent life. However, the last time she posted acting content was 5 years ago- she's now a nurse and a happily married mom of 2 (boy & girl).

Crystal: [DMs her] hey, I know that this is totally weird but uhm would you be keen to meet at Starbucks for a business proposal?

Jordyn: [replies immediately] idk who you are but I see from your page that you're close with the Ellis'. I'm happy now, so please leave me tf alone and tell them I kept my end of the deal by signing an NDA. Tell Devale I won't hesitate to take him to court if he tries me!


Crystal: [looks up] okay God I see the sign! I'll drop it- it's not my business anyway.

Crystal sorts through her side table looking for the TV remote when she locates that portrait that Josh snapped (ps: she took it that day she left). She opens up the envelope and sheds tears as she reminisces on that perfect night.

Crystal: [looks up again] really God? Another sign? [Chuckles] okayy fine, lemme go after my man!

Crystal got out of bed and put on some leggings with an oversized t-shirt and tied her hair into a messy bun. She grabbed her purse and made her way downstairs.

She grabbed her keys from the counter, walked to the door and opened it.

Crystal: [annoyed] you have the nerve!! Showing up here after that stunt you pulled?

Devale: I know and I'm sorry but I really need to talk to you

Crystal: I ain't got shit to say to you D

Devale: all you have to do is listen, 5min is all I ask

Crystal: [sighs] come in

Devale: are you going somewhere?

Crystal: are you really gon waste you're 5min on prying in my business?

Devale: you're right I'm sorry. So I saw you and Kay talking on the balcony, what'd she say?

Crystal: she told me all about Jordyn

Devale: [eyes wide] all as in everything everything?

Crystal: [nods]

Devale: look what happened with Jordyn was a mistake and I beat myself up about it everyday! But I was young and made dumb choices, choices that cost me my 5 year old daughter

Crystal: [shocked] does Khadeen know about the child?

Devale: no and I'd like to keep it that way

Crystal: it's not my business to tell. [Chuckles] whew thank God I got outta this shit show without a baby!

Devale: [mumbles] yeah only because your aborted it

Crystal: [teary-eyed] fuck you Devale!! Get tf out!!!

Devale: baby I'm sorry, I understand why you did it and I forgave you- I'm a changed man now

Crystal: [scoffs] I beg to differ, seems to me like nothing changed

Devale: [tries to hold her] baby please don't say that, what we had is real! I love you Crystal and I would've loved to have you as the mother of my 6th child

Crystal: [pushes him back] nigga are you delusional?! Are you hearing yourself?! What kind of mother wants their child to come in 6th place?!

Devale: I love you Crystal

Crystal: no you don't! You just love the idea of me- your time's up pal, I got somewhere to be.

Devale: you going to that photographer nigga aren't you?

Crystal: [sighs] again, not your business! Please go back to your WIFE and don't contact me or come by here anymore! You and I will have a strictly professional relationship from here on out

Devale: what do you mean?

Crystal: meaning, we'll only interact on set!! This farce of a friendship is OVER!!!

|Josh's place|

Knock knock knock

Josh opens the door shirtless, wearing just his basketball shorts.

Crystal: hey

Josh: what brings you by?

Crystal: I finally got my shit together

Josh: okay but I said to call, not come over

Crystal: [sighs] can I come in? I just wanna talk

Josh: [steps aside] sure

*closed the door*

Unbeknownst to them Devale followed Crystal and parked his car down the road.

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