Chapter 21

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|TPS - Zatima S2|

Today is the first day of filming Zatima season 2! As always, Tyler had the cast and crew gather for a brief meeting.

Tyler: welcome back everyone and happy new year, I hope yall had a wonderful holiday season!! I hope you're well rested because we have alot to do in a short time frame!


Tyler: as you all know BET ordered 20 episodes this season and that's why filming is gonna take 2 weeks as opposed to our regular 1 week. So I hope yall informed your families and lovers!! But like I always say, don't worry about feeling lonely because we at TPS are what?

Everyone: FAMILY

Tyler: that's the spirit!! You have an hour to get settled and then we're starting...

Nzinga: hey Crystal, how's the new year treating you?

Crystal: all good, no complaints

Nzinga: you ready to kill it just like we did last season?

Crystal: [smiles] you know it!

Devale: hey Zing uhm do you mind if I talk to Crystal alone

Nzinga: not at all -she leaves-

Devale: hey you

Crystal: hey

Devale: you good? Where's the Crystal I know? The one who's always hype and full of energy?

Crystal: [sighs] she's here somewhere

Devale: what's wrong? You know you can talk to me about anything

Crystal: yeah I know D, but I'm good just a lil tired. How are you? How were your holidays?

Devale: good, great actually!! Kay and I are finally in a better place and she also got to meet Amira

Crystal: [smiles] I'm happy for you D and your daughter is very beautiful

Devale: thanks Crys! [Chuckles] crazy ain't it? I never thought I'd have a daughter

Crystal: [chuckles] yeah me neither

Devale: how are things with you and Josh? I saw you posted in your CF that yall were in Italy

Crystal: [sighs] yeah uhm we didn't work out

Devale: [pissed] did that nigga break your heart? Because I swear Crys I'll leave this studio rn and go beat him up!

Crystal: [chuckles] will you calm down! I don't need you to beat up anyone, we both were wrong and thats okay

Devale: [hugs her] I'm sorry Crys

Crystal: it's okay D, I'll be fine!

Devale: I know you will! You've always been so strong, even after all the shit I put you through! And I realized the other day that I never even took the time to apologize to you... so from the bottom of my heart I truly am sorry about everything

Crystal: [smiles] thank you D, it really means a lot to me

Devale: I got your back homie!

Crystal: and I got yours too

Devale: you ready to go kill all these scenes!!!

Crystal: I stay ready!!!


The first week of filming went by fast and everything went smooth! The entire cast and crew were on their A-game!!! Even Tyler was impressed!!

Today is the 2nd last day of filming. The cast and crew are all chilling in the dining hall eating dinner, drinking and just talking... Crystal and Devale have gotten closer over the past 13 days, but more so on a friendship level. It kinda felt like she got her old friend back- the relationship they had before they started messing around was rekindled

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