Chapter 47

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|Crystal's parents house|

Janae: auntie Crys can you please go to the movies with me?

Crystal: what do you wanna watch babygirl?

Janae: The Little Mermaid, mommy said she's a black girl just like me

Crystal: [smiles] that she is!

Janae: so.... can we go?

Morgan: Nae baby, auntie Crys leg is still healing. She's not allowed to be walking around malls

Janae: [sulking] but mommy that's what yall have been saying for the past week since she's been here [teary-eyed]

Crystal: -feels bad- let me make a deal with you... how about we go out on Saturday? We'll make it a girls night and I promise you my leg will be fully healed by then

Janae: [sulking] how many days left until Saturday?

Crystal: 3 days

Janae: [smiles] okay deal!! I'm soo happy, let me go tell my brother and cousins that we're having a girls only night

Morgan: [dances] yayy girls night here we com-

Janae: NO!!! Mommy it's just gonna be me and auntie Crys, you're not invited *runs off*

Crystal: [laughing] my lil savage

Morgan: [scoffs] girl fuck you! Idk what kinda spell you put on my daughter but it's starting to piss me off!

Crystal: you know we've always had a special bond, ever since she was born

Morgan: [laughs] yeah whatever! 8 hours of labor and this is how she do me?

Crystal: [chuckles] well you know what everybody says

Morgan: what?

Crystal: that Janae is actually my baby and you were just the surrogate [laughs]

Morgan: [chuckles] just for that I'm bringing out the big guns... [yells] MOMMYYYY

Gladys: -walks into the living room- girl quit all that yelling, what is it?

Morgan: Crystal and I were just talking and she said that Janae is basically her daughter and I was just the surrogate... so it made me wonder, when is she gonna have some kids of her own?

Crystal: [eyes wide] damn Morgan so this what we doing?

Gladys: aht aht Reneé, your sister is right! Baby the clock is ticking and you're not getting any younger. Before you know it, your womb will be all shriveled up and then how am I gonna get some grandbabies?

Crystal: [rolls eyes] ma you already have 4 grandkids, that's more than enough!

Gladys: yeah 2 from each of your siblings, so when are you gon pop some out?

Crystal: uhhh... NEVER!!! Don't get me wrong I adore kids but having em around me 24/7??! mmh-mmh get somebody else to do it [chuckles]

Gladys: [stern] you think this shit is funny?

Crystal: ma I just turned 40, I don't even think I'm still of childbearing age and I'm more than content with that

Gladys: baby don't be ridiculous!! Lots of women have babies in their 40s it's not uncommon at all

Crystal: yeah but it's risky

Gladys: all pregnancies are risky, regardless of age!

Crystal: -silent- [rolls eyes]

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