Chapter 5

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|Crystal's place|

Crys just got home around 12:00 midday after ubering from Josh's place. The first thing she did was charge her phone because it had died. Thereafter, she hopped in the shower and stood there for what seemed like an eternity. Her mind couldn't help but to constantly replay the past few hours.

After getting cleaned up she hopped out and dried herself with a towel. She stood in the mirror gazing at the countless hickies that Josh left all over her body- she smiled at the thought of last night.

Crystal: [thinks to herself] Crystal Renée, what the hell is wrong with you?! That man just wants to love you.


Knock knock knock

Crystal: [puts on her underwear and robe] coming

*opens the door*

Jazzy: [sarcastic] oh so she's still alive

Kayla: girl and she's breathing!!

Crystal: [chuckles] can yall stop being dramatic and come in

Jazzy: dramatic my ass! What happened to our golden rule of checking in??!

Kayla: or returning calls?! Bitch I was this close to filing a missing persons report

Crystal: okay okay, yall are right and I'm sorry! But in my defense, my phone died and last night was a lot!!!

Jazzy pulls out 3 glasses and whips up a quick cocktail

Jazzy: spill, I wanna hear every last detail

Crystal: [chuckles] a lady never kisses and tells

Kayla: girl cut the shit and talk!!!

Crystal: [retells last night's and this morning's events]

Jazzy: [shocked] hold up, so you just up and left?! No explanation?!

Crystal: [ sighs] yeah and I feel terrible, I let my fears get the best of me

Kayla: sis what the hell are you so scared of?!

Crystal: idk, of being loved I guess.... the last man who told me he loved me turned out to be an asshole!

Jazzy: it's okay you can say Devale, we know it's him!

Crystal: fren I'm being fr! Even though we broke up I still feel like he has a hold on me

Jazzy: [annoyed] well bitch cut that fuckin hold and move on!

Kayla: Jazzy have some compassion. [Looks at Crys] girl I know you loved him and that love ended up hurting you! But you can't live a life of regret, cut that nigga off and move on with fine ass Josh

Crystal: [sighs] he's a great guy but I don't wanna string him along until I know for sure that Devale and I done

Jazzy: ohhh lawd, please free this girl from the shackles of Devale

Crystal: yall just don't get it! Devale and I work together, he's always gon be in my life. Whether we're dating or not. I just don't wanna do to Josh what Devale did to me!

Kayla: I hear you girl but maybe communicate these feelings to him? I mean he's prolly losing his mind tryna figure what the hell happened to make you leave so abruptly

Crystal: [sighs] I will talk to him in due time. Right now I just gotta focus on preparing for the Zatima premiere party

Jazzy: oh yeaa, it's next week Friday right?

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