Chapter 24

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It has been a week since Crystal and Josh reconciled. They are in a much better place and are more patient with each other. They made it a tradition to do date night once every week, just to keep the spark in their relationship glowing...

The past week consisted of Crystal recouping from being on set, so she hasn't really gotten the time to clean her house. Today's Saturday so she woke up super early and blasted 90s rnb music to get in the cleaning mood.

Josh comes downstairs and finds her in the living room singing from the top of her lungs while using a broom as her microphone.

Josh: [laughs] good morning superstar, do me a favor... don't quit your day job

Crystal: [scoffs] don't try me nigga!! Check my resume, Crystal Renée got pipes for days

Josh: [chuckles] I'm just messing with you baby, why you up so early anyway? Its 07:00 a.m

Crystal: I just wanted to do some spring cleaning and it's always best to do it first thing in the morning while I'm still energetic

Josh: okay baby, do you need some help?

Crystal: yes actually, you can start by wiping down the walls, mopping the bedroom floors and scrubbing the shower floor, the windows also need-

Josh: [eyes wide] you know what on second thought, you got it baby

Crystal: [chuckles] I knew your lazy ass wouldn't help!! I should FaceTime mama G and tell her what you've become

Josh: aye come on nie!! I haven't done spring cleaning since I was a teen back in Nigeria, but how about this... I'll help out by cooking breakfast when I come from the gym?

Crystal: [smiles] okay that's a deal I can't turn down!! My baby throws down in the kitchen

Josh: [chuckles] and in the bedroom [pecks her lips]

Crystal: [laughs] byeeee


-Josh's gym-

He's instructing a soul cycle class from 07:30- 08:30

Josh: good morning everyone, are we ready to get a sweat in!!!?

All: yesssss

Josh puts on the music and starts instructing them on what to do... after an hour the class is finished and he's just walking around casually chatting to the attendees.

Josh: ladies, did yall have fun today?

Bre: yessss your classes are always a vibe Joshie

Sasha: right?! And I'm not gon lie, I'm here for how you're always breaking out your shirts

Josh: [laughs] thanks ladies, I'm glad yall had fun [turns to walk away]

Bre: wait wait, uhm Joshie I don't see a ring on your finger so that to me is a big ass GO sign!! Would you like to come to the club with us tonight?

Josh: I'm flattered ladies but I can't accept your invite

Sasha: [scoffs] why not? You got a girl or something?

Josh: I do actually

Bre: nigga so what?! Yall ain't married, that means you're still on the market

Josh: -phone rings- I'm sorry but I gotta take this -walks away-

Sasha: girl you did a lil too much, you finna scare him away

Bre: it's called being persistent!! I want a taste of that fine ass nigga

Sasha: [chuckles] girl you're a mess!! You heard him say he's got a girl

Bre: okay and?

Sasha: [laughs] I give up, let's just go **they leave**


|Josh's office|


Josh: bro you have no idea how this call just saved me

Daniel: [his brother] what mess did you get yourself involved in this time?

Josh: nothing I can't handle, anyway what's up? Why you calling me at this time? Isn't it like night time over there?

Daniel: [laughs] bro you've been gone for 10 years now you acting brand new? You know damn well we're just 6 hours apart

Josh: [chuckles] I'm just messing with you bro! So what's up?

Daniel: I'm actually calling to warn you, mama G is pissed bro!!

Josh: what, why?

Daniel: [sighs] do you remember you ex Aminat?

Josh: yes, what about her?

Daniel: she was involved in a car accident, it's not looking good

Josh: aww that's so sad man, I hope she pulls through but uhm no offense... what does any of this have to do with me?



|Crystal's place|

Josh came back about an hour ago and got started on breakfast. His mood has been sour since the call with his brother, truth is what he told him could potentially end his relationship with Crystal but he decided not say anything until he had all the facts.

Josh: baby are you done? I'm setting up the table

Crystal: yes almost, I'm just looking for the remote so I can turn down the music

Josh: check under the couch, that's where it always disappears to

Crystal gets on her knees to check the remote, she does indeed find it. Along with something else...

Josh: [behind her] did you find it?

Crystal: yeah and I also found this [holding a white thing that looks like an elastic band]

Josh: [confused] is that a hairtie?

Crystal: [sighs] no Josh this is my Nuvaring

Josh: your what?

Crystal: [teary-eyed] it's my birth control

Josh: ok but why is it in your hand?

Crystal: [crying] shit idk it must've fell out last week

Josh: [hugs her] why you crying baby?

Crystal: because Josh, there's a high chance that I could be FUCKIN pregnant!!!

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