Chapter 38

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It has been exactly a week since the last occurrence, which means the Zatima season 2 premiere event is taking place tonight! Crystal has done exceptionally well at faking a relationship, Josh doesnt suspect anything but she's beyond ready for the facade to be over!

|Crystal's place|

Knock knock knock

Crystal: [yells] who is it?

Devale: it's me

Crystal: [smiles and opens the door] what are yall doing here so early?

Devale: I need your help with  Amira's hair 

Crystal: [smiles] hey babygirl

Amira: [smiles] hi aunty Crys

Devale: is "you know who" here?

Crystal: no! Why woul-

Devale jumps at the opportunity, he immediately grabs Crystal by the waist and gives her a passionate kiss

Amira: [giggles] daddy eww

Crystal: [breaks the kiss] Devale stop!! It's too risky to be doing all that out here

Devale and Amira enter as he closes the door. Unbeknownst to them, someone snapped some photos of them kissing...

Devale: I'm sorry but I just missed you! I can't wait for tonight! It'll all be over and
imma have you screaming out my name

Crystal: -lightly pops him- will you stop! There's a child present and you're polluting her innocent mind

Devale: [chuckles] I highly doubt it! Jordyn and Chris are very affectionate, this little girl has seen it all ain't that right princess?

Amira: [giggles] yep

Crystal: [smiles] speaking of Jordyn... how are they adjusting to London?

Devale: so far so good, I mean she's only been gone for 3 days but they seem to be doing good

Crystal: and how are you adjusting to being a full-time girl dad?

Devale: whew I'm struggling and that's why we're here so early! Mira take off your bonnet let aunty Crys see daddy's hairstyle attempt

Amira: promise you won't laugh aunty Crys? -takes it off-

Crystal: [holding back laughter] it's uhm... it's something! What look were you going for exactly D?

Devale: [smiling hard] you promised you wouldn't laugh!

Crystal: [smiles] I'm not! -looks at Amira- what hairstyle did you want baby?

Amira: a braided updo with colorful beads and heart braids on the sides, can you do it?

Crystal: I sure can, gimme a second while I go get some hair tools 

Devale: I'll come with you. Mira stay here and watch cartoons we'll be right back

|Crystal's bathroom |

Crystal: -pops him- that is for playing in that girl's head

Devale: [chuckles] aye I'm still learning, at least I tried

Crystal: -grabbing things out the cupboard- yeah you did. So what's the occasion?

Devale: [sighs] that's actually why I wanted to come up here with you, just for a quick chat

Crystal: okay what's up?

Devale: Khadeen will be getting served with the divorce papers today. Also... I spoke to Jordyn about it and I'm ready to let the world know about my daughter so I want her to be my plus one on the red carpet tonight

Crystal: [smiles] aww that's very sweet D and I'm proud of you! So how did Khadeen take it when you told her about filing for divorce?

Devale: [nervous smile] I uhm... I actually haven't told her yet

Crystal: [eyes wide] nigga what!? So she's gonna get served with surprise divorce papers? Devale do you value your life? -walking out the room-

Devale: -following her downstairs- yeah I do! But don't worry I'm sure she saw this coming, her and I haven't been 'okay' for some time now! Shit we practically live in separate houses

Crystal: [sighs] I just hope you know what you're doing. -looks at Amira- are you ready to get your hair slayed by aunty Crys?

Amira: [smiles] yessss!

Crystal: -detangling her hair- D did you at least buy the beads? I don't have any

Devale: yeah I did, they're in her backpack. And please don't worry about Kay, I have her and my crazy ass mama on lock

Crystal: [exhales] I'll take your word for it!


|Josh's place|


Josh: [sleepy voice] hey Vee, what's up?

Vicky: [scoffs] don't "what's up" me! Where the hell are you?

Josh: uhmm in my bed sleeping, you know normal people aren't usually up at this time

Vicky: oh please! It's 8:30 a.m haven't you ever heard the saying "the early bird gets the worm"?

Josh: what is this an English lesson? I'm gonna hang up

Vicky: wait! Before you do, I want an update on how things are going with operation 'keep Crystal away from Devale'

Josh: [smiles] oh it's going really well, I can't believe how easy it was to get her back! You know between you and me, I was never gonna go through with that threat! I love Crystal and I would never jeopardize her career intentionally. I know how hard she worked for it and how much it means to her

Vicky: [annoyed] ugh spare me the details!! I really don't care! So what you're saying is she's your girlfriend?

Josh: yes! She's all mine! I got that on lock

Vicky: [laughs] oh is that so? Do me a favor real quick Mr 'got that on lock'

Josh: yeah?

Vicky: check your texts, I just sent you a pic of "your girl"

Josh opens his text messages and sees the photo that was taken earlier of Crystal and Devale kissing right outside her house

Josh: [scoffs] you're just messing with me! It's probably an old picture

Vicky: trust me, I wish it was too but check the time stamp on the bottom right corner

Josh: -holding back tears- waiiit!! This was just a few minutes ago!

Vicky: exactly! I hate to break it to you but your "girlfriend" played you

Josh: [fuming] I can't believe her!!! All the time we spent together was just her making empty promises and playing in my face!!! Matter fact, I'm going over there right now -getting outta bed-

Vicky: don't be stupid Joshua! How will you explain your sudden concerns? She  can't know that we have someone tailing her. [Exhales] now I hate that we even have to resort to this but it's time I bring out the big guns

Josh: [wide eyes] you mean the contingency plan?! No!! Immediately no!! What if something goes wrong? It's too risky!

Vicky: I know the risk involved and I'm prepared to make that sacrifice!

Josh: [sighs] maybe it's time I just let all of this go, Crystal is clearly in love with your son and the sooner I accept that- the better! So I'm sorry Vee, but I don't think I can go through with it

Vicky: [chuckles] oh how cute, you think you have a choice? Do I need to remind you what's at stake? My contact at ICE is just a phonecall away

Josh: you're an evil woman you know that?

Vicky: [chuckles] I've been called worse! Contingency plan is in full effect! Do it tonight at the Zatima premiere event, I know you're gonna be one of the photographers at the red carpet *hangs up*

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