Chapter 27

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It's 6 days later, Crystal is out for lunch with her friends

Waiter: can I take your drinks order?

Jazzy: I'll have a strawberry daiquiri

Kayla: I'll have the same please

Waiter: [looks at Crys] and for you mam?

Crystal: uhm I'll hav-

Kayla: [interjects] she'll have cranberry juice

Waiter: okay *walks away*

Crystal: Kayla what the hell??! I don't want no damn juice, I was actually in the mood for a glass of rosè

Kayla: nope! No alcohol for you until your appointment with Dr Avery

Crystal: [scoffs] you're wasting your time, ain't nobody pregnant

Jazzy: we'll find out tomorrow

Crystal: we?

Jazzy: yes bitch!! You're crazy if you think we're gonna let you go through this alone

Crystal: [smiles] I love yall

Kayla: we love you more, so how have you been? I'm sure you're excited for tomorrow

Crystal: lol not really

Jazzy: wait so you're not excited to have your man back after him being away for one long week?

Crystal: [rolls eyes] ion even know if he still my man fr

Kayla: trouble in paradise?

Crystal: something like that

Jazzy: what happened?

Crystal: well for starters he's been acting strange ever since this Nigeria trip popped up. And then when I drove him to the airport he rushed his brother off the phone after he mentioned some chick which he claims is his sister. That's not even the worst, do you know that during the time this nigga has been away he only called me ONCE!!! And it was barely even a call fr, he was just checking in

Jazzy: wait what!? So you haven't heard from him ever since?

Crystal: nope, nothing! Shit I don't even know if he's coming back tomorrow but I doubt it

Jazzy: damn sis that's messed up!! You know now I kinda hope you're not pregnant, because who wants a disappearing ass baby daddy

Crystal: [chuckles] I hope I'm not pregnant either! I'm at the peak of my career, a baby is just gonna complicate things

Kayla: I hear you sis but do you really believe that? Sometimes a baby can elevate your life for the better, if you are pregnant, that baby might just be the answer to all your prayers

Crystal: [sighs] idk I guess we'll find out tomorrow!

Kayla: so uhm Jazzy what's tea with you and Nicky?

Jazzy: [smiles] I really like him you guys, he treats me like a queen

Kayla: [smiles] I'm happy for you sis, I'm happy for all of us! -grabs her glass- let's toast to healthy relationships

Crystal: [chuckles] yeah imma sit this one out

Kayla: [scoffs] Jazzy?

Jazzy: [chuckles] imma sit it out too sis, don't get me wrong I like Nicky but we haven't really put a label on things and I don't wanna jinx it

Kayla: [rolls eyes] you guys are no fun!!

Jazzy: we still love you boo

Kayla: whatever, so Crystal how are you and Devale

Crystal: we're good actually! Better than we've ever been [smiles]

Jazzy: [side eye] oh lawd, girl pleaseeee don't tell me you let that lame ass nigga slide back into your drawers!!?

Crystal: [chuckles] Jazzy chill

Jazzy: nah don't tell me to chill, since when do you get all happy when talking about Devale?

Crystal: he's still my friend you know, my best friend at that! I'm allowed to smile at the mention of his name

Jazzy: yeah whatever, I hope for your sake you're telling the truth about yall just being friends! Lawd knows we don't need a case of who's the baby daddy

Kayla: no fr!! we get enough of that on Sistas EVERY WEEK! [chuckles]

Crystal: [scoffs] omg for the last time, I'm not fuckin pregnant!!! Can we just drop it

Kayla: oop, seems like the pregnancy temper is already kicking in [laughs]

Crystal: [chuckles] man fuck yall, my temper isn't about that. I'm just really mad at Josh

Jazzy: well if you so pressed why don't you pull up on the nigga?

Kayla: girl pull up refers to a driving distance, NOBODY'S flying hours just to pull up

Crystal: exactly!! That's just crazy! I mean what would I look like if I just showed up and he wasn't even doing nothing wrong? Maybe his phone got stolen or it's a network issue

Jazzy: yeah maybe or maybe he's laid up with some bitch as we speak

Crystal: Jazzy stop putting ideas in my head damnnn

Jazzy: I'm just saying sis, there's no harm done in being sure! Plus you've always wanted to visit Nigeria- this is your chance

Kayla: girl what happens if she gets there and the nigga innocent

Jazzy: duh, she'll just play the oldest trick in the book. 'SURPRISEEEE'

Crystal: [laughs] if I say I'll think about it, will yall accompany me?

Jazzy: oh you already know I'm down!

Kayla: [sighs] I have a bad feeling about this, but fuck it why not?


Later that night Crystal got a text from Josh which read:


Hey baby sorry I've been MIA, it's just been super hectic but mom's doing well. Anyway I'm just letting you know that I have to extend my trip, by 2 maybe 3 weeks... I promise I'll explain everything when I see you, love you😘

Crystal immediately tried to call him but it kept going straight to voice-mail. She forwarded his text to the groupchat with the girls

Fave trio💌

Jazzy: oh yeah somethings definitely up

Crystal: pack your bags bitches, we're going to Nigeria tomorrow!!

Kayla: what about your appointment with Dr Avery?

Crystal: shit idk, I'll figure everything out in the morning!

Jazzy: *sent image* I'm way ahead of you🧳

Kayla: girl we're not going on vacation😂 wtf is the straw hat for?

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Kayla: girl we're not going on vacation😂 wtf is the straw hat for?

Jazzy: bitch idk😂, but I have a feeling we're in for a surprise

Crystal: goodnight yall😂❤️

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