Chapter 41

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︎▪︎▪︎The next morning▪︎▪︎▪︎


The Hayslett family along with Jordyn have all just arrived...

Jordyn: excuse me, my name is Jordyn Fenty and I'm looking for my daughter. Her name is Amira Taylor

Receptionist: is she the little girl that was in the car accident with Crystal?

Jordyn: yes yes, that's her! Please direct me to her room

Gladys: [interjects] hold on are you talking about my daughter Crystal? Crystal Hayslett?

Receptionist: [checks files] yes mam, that's who came in last night with the little girl

Gladys: wait wait, none of this makes sense! Why was Crystal with your daughter? Who are you? Somebody tell me what the hell is going on

Jordyn: [sighs] with all due respect mam, I don't have time for this! You rudely chimed into my conversation and now you're wasting my time questioning me on some bullshit that I know nothing about! -looks back at the nurse- please just show me to Amira's room

Nurse: 7th floor, 2nd door on your right. It's room 702, you can't miss it

Jordyn: thanks -runs off to the elevator-

Gladys: ugh that woman was so rude!

Morgan: mommy no she wasn't, she's just a mom who's worried about her child!

Gladys: [scoffs] are you taking strangers sides over your mother?

Quis: [sighs] not now you two! let's just talk to the receptionist and find out what's happening

Morgan: [rolls eyes] fine!

Quis: morning miss, we're the family of Crystal Hayslett. Can we go see her?

Receptionist: yes you may but because she's in ICU we only allow two visitors at a time and you'll also be required to wear protective gear for yours and the patient's safety

Gladys: can you please just tell us what happened?! We got a call late last night but with absolutely no context as to what happened!!! And now we get here, there's suddenly a little girl involved?

Receptionist: [sighs] I understand that this is a confusing time for you mam. Here's what I'll do, I'll walk with you to Dr Jones office- he'll answer all your questions and then take you to see miss Hayslett


|Children's ward|

Jordyn: -walks in- I leave you with my ddaughter for THREE FUCKIN DAYS and this is what you do?

Devale: [wakes up from the chair] hey Jordyn, I didn't know you had arrived. How was your flight?

Jordyn: [scoffs] cut the small talk! I want answers right now!!! What the fuck happened and why was my daughter riding in a car with a complete stranger?

Devale: [sighs] okay chill out before you wake her! First of all, Crystal is no stranger, you've met her and I thought you guys made a connection? Anyway, that's besides the point! What happened was an accident and no one is to blame

Jordyn: [angry tears] Devale you're selling me a bunch of bullshit!! Why tf was Amira in a car that you weren't in? I left her in YOUR care, meaning you're supposed to be around her 24/7!!!

Devale: I know Jordyn, look please just calm down so we can talk about this like adults! I know you're angry and scared, but the Dr said she's okay! In fact she's better than okay, no injuries whatsoever and that's all thanks to Crystal! That "complete stranger" saved her life

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