Chapter 18

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The couple safely arrived in Portofino late last night. The hotel suite that Josh booked was beautifully furnished and it had a balcony that overlooked the city's harbor. The bedroom was fitted with a king sized bed and silky white sheets. Since they were both jet lagged upon arrival they spent the night and half of the day sleeping to refuel.

》The next morning 》

Josh arranged for a full breakfast buffet to be delivered to their room, while he set up the table by the balcony, Crystal was freshening up and getting ready for the day.

Josh: baby the food's ready

Crystal: okay I'm coming, I'll finish my makeup later [comes to the balcony in a white robe and bonnet]

Josh: [stares at her]

Crystal: lol what?

Josh: nothing I'm just in awe of your beauty, first thing in the morning and you're so beautiful

Crystal: [blushes] thank you baby you're too sweet

Josh: [pulls out her chair] have a seat ìfẹ́ mi. Tell me how you're liking Italy so far!

Crystal: I loveee it! Something about this place just brings me so much peace and joy!

Josh: [smiles] I'm glad you like it baby, so how's the food?

Crystal: delicious!! You really went all out babe, I mean this room alone is magnificent! Shit I wouldn't even mind staying here all week and just soaking up the view [chuckles]

Josh: [chuckles] now where's the fun in that? Nah baby we have to go out and explore! Besides, being cooped up in this room with you for a week can only lead to one thing [winks]

Crystal: [laughs] lawd here you go! [Takes her mimosa] cheers to Day 2, 88 more to go!

Josh: [dryly] yayy

Crystal: [chuckles] try to sound more enthusiastic! You're the one who suggested this shit in the first place!

Josh: [laughs] okay you're right! [Cheers] fighting the urge to not make love to you on this balcony will prolly be one of the hardest things ever but it'll all be worth in the end!

Crystal: [kisses him] that's the spirit!! We've got this!

Josh: [deepens the kiss and feels on her ass]

Crystal: [stops him] aht aht, don't start nun you can't finish!

Josh: I'm sorry I got carried away, anyway we should go get ready! We're going on a private 2-hour long yatch cruise

Crystal: [smiles] I'm both excited and worried! What the hell are we gonna do for 2 hours bae?

Josh: TALK! I feel like there's alot idk about you

Crystal: I feel the same way about you

|Yatch cruise|

Romero: good afternoon sir, mam! My name is Romero and I'll be your concierge

Josh: hey, I'm Josh and this is my lady- Crystal

Romero: nice to meet you both! Please follow me this way

Romero gave them a short tour of the yatch. It was furnished with an white interior, a bar and kitchenette!

Romero: please do enjoy your cruise! We've gone through all safety measures so I trust that you'll be safe! Dial number 6 if you need anything *walks away*

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