Chapter 35

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Devale: ma? Kay? What are yall doing here?

Vicky: we wanted to surprise you, missing my granddaughter's party just didn't feel right

Khadeen: Devale I think the better question is... why are you coming from upstairs with your babymama when the party's down here?

Jordyn: oh lemme clear that up, I just had to talk to him about something in private but you can relax we didn't do nothing wrong. I'm a HAPPILY married woman

Jazzy: [whispers to Crys] oop she put her chest into that 'HAPPILY'

Crystal: [whispers] be quiet

Khadeen: oh okay, next question [looks at Crys] wtf is she doing here?

Devale: [nervous] she uhm...

Jordyn: I invited her, also it's time to cut the cake so if yall are staying please join us in the marquee outside

They all make their way outside while the last 2 to exit are Jordyn and Devale

Devale: [whispers] thank you

Jordyn: idk what you got going on but I will not have drama at my daughter's party, so please make sure you keep your family in check!

Devale: I got you

All the guests sang happy birthday to Amira and presented her with multiple gifts! Jordyn also cut the cake and the photographer took some really nice pics. Amira was ecstatic to meet her grandma for the first time. Overall the party was good and all the guests were on their best behavior. It was now almost night time so most of the kids  had left while the adults were just chilling and listening to some music. Amira ended up falling asleep in Chris' arms (Chris is her step father/ Jordyn's husband).

Chris: let me get lovebug to bed

Jordyn: [smiles] thank you baby

Devale: -stands up- lemme come with you bro, I need to start learning how yall tuck her in etc.

Chris: yeah sure **they go in the house**

Crystal: [stands up] well that's our queue too, let's go Jazzy

Jordyn: aww yall are leaving already? Well this was fun, we should keep in touch!

Jazzy: oh must def! Like I said, you're our new homegirl- you just don't know it yet [chuckles]

Jordyn: [hugs her] oh trust me, I know it! I gave you my number, make sure you text me

Jazzy: [smiles] will do

Jordyn: [hugs Crys] bye girl and thanks again for coming and for the present

Crystal: it's a pleasure

Jordyn: safe travels and Jazzy text me when yall arrive

**Crystal and Jazzy leave, Jordyn is left behind with Khadeen and Vicky**

Khadeen: can I ask you something?

Jordyn: sure

Khadeen: how long have you and Crystal been "friends"?

Jordyn: not long, I'm still getting to know her, why?

Khadeen: [scoffs] be careful

Jordyn: what's that supposed to mean?

Khadeen: nothing, it's just some friendly advice

Jordyn: [unsure] okay... thanks, I guess

Vicky: you seem uncertain?

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