Chapter 54

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|TPS- Sistas filming |

Today is day two of filming and Crystal has only a handful of scenes to shoot for the day- they were night scenes, all of which didn't include Devale so she hasn't seen or spoken to him all day.

Tyler: [yells] and cut!!

Tyler asked the cast and crew to step out for a bit so he could have a quick chat with Crystal because he noticed that she has been way off her game tonight.

Crystal: [sighs] I know I know, and I promise imma do better in the next take

Tyler: [sighs] Crys you said that six takes ago and quite frankly I'm losing my patience! This is a very simple scene and we should've wrapped hours ago

Crystal: I know T. I'm just...

Tyler: you just what? You know I'm your friend before I'm your boss. Talk to me, is it the [whispers] hormones?

Crystal: [chuckles] no it's not, at least that's what I think. [Sighs] shit honestly I don't know, I've just been feeling like a stranger in my own body lately and now that I think about it, it probably could be because of the hormones

Tyler: I hear you but I'm a man and I honestly don't even know what to say. But uhhh... here's what I can do. Let's call it a night and then tomorrow morning I want you to go see your Dr and find out if these feelings are normal. Thereafter, I want you back on set at 7:00PM sharp and I want you to BRING IT the same way you always do, do you think you can handle that?

Crystal: [smiles] yes I can! [Hugs him] thank you so much, I promise I'll be on my A-game tomorrow, I won't let you down

Tyler: sure, now please go get some rest, I'm sure lack of sleep is also somewhat to blame for your slacking

Crystal: [sucks teeth] it's rude to accuse a woman in my condition of sleep deprivation! You don't know what I'm going through, my body is changing by the second and I have no control over it! What's even worse is that I can't even share th-

Tyler: [eyes wide] see what I'm talking about? You literally just went from 0 to 100 real quick! [Hugs her] please just get some rest Crystal, we'll talk tomorrow

Crystal: I'm sorry for losing my shit, I promise tomorrow will be better

Tyler: I know it will, good night Crystal

Crystal: good night T.

Truth is Crystal did indeed have a rough night because both she and the baby had grown accustomed to falling asleep in Devale's embrace. Although she told him to keep his distance, she didn't really mean it and she was hoping that he would ignore her insane request and still sneak into her room for some cuddle time.

|Crystal's dressing room|

Crystal went to her dressing room and changed back into her regular clothes which was some leggings with an oversized t-shirt. Thereafter, she took off the Fatima wig and threw a bonnet over her cornrows and then she grabbed some makeup wipes and started wiping her face, as she stared at her reflection in the mirror she couldn't help but to notice the heavy bags that occupied the bottom of her eyes... she instantly felt bad for going off on Tyler when he clearly was just showing concern.

Knock knock knock

Crystal: [yells] come in

KJ: hey, are you okay? You seemed a little off tonight

Crystal: I don't know if I'm okay but I will be

KJ: okay well I'm about to head to back to the dorms, wanna ride there together?

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