Chapter 9

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》One month later 》

Crystal and Josh have been going strong for a whole month but they are yet to put a label on their situation. Today is also exactly 2 weeks before her 40th birthday and she has been working tirelessly between preparing to be back on set for Sistas and planning the Crystal Ball.

|TPS: Sistas Set|

Tyler: alright everybody as we all know tomorrow we officially kick off filming for Sistas S5!!!

Cast: -applause-

Tyler: as you all know by now we have a little over a week to shoot all 22 episodes, so for the next couple of days I want all hands on deck! That means yall won't be seeing your families and partners for a while but that's okay because we at TPS are a family!!

Tyler wraps up his "speech" and announces that tonight will just be chilled vibes, some music, dinner and light drinks. Basically a "cool-down" moment for the cast to relax before the tough week that lies ahead!

Tyler: okay yall, remember don't go too crazy on the alcohol. I don't want yall stumbling over yall lines tomorrow [chuckles]. Enjoy tonight and make sure yall get to bed on time! *he leaves*

The cast members sit together and have small talk while feasting. Keep in mind, Crystal and Devale haven't spoken to each other since that night.

KJ: Crystal girl you look good

Ming: yesss honey, it's the glow for me

Crystal: [smiles] aw thank you, yall are too sweet!

KJ: [clears throat] uh-uhn miss girl who got you smiling like that?

Ming: that ain't nothing but some dick

Trinity: come on yall, quit talking nasty at the dinner table

Chido: [chuckles] Trin ily bro but we all grown, we can have these conversations

Crystal: true but I don't want to, especially not in front of yall fellas

Devale: [rolls eyes]

Chido: bro you good?

Devale: yeah, why do you ask?

Chido: I mean you and Crys ain't said 2 words to each other since we got here, trouble in paradise?

Devale: [chuckles] nigga shut tf up! Ain't no paradise, I'm a married man!

Crystal: [mumbles] whatever

Devale: you ain't said shit to me in a month and now you wanna mumble shit under your breath?! GTFOH

Crystal: [chuckles & stands up] you know what, I'm not doing this with you

Chido: hey hey, come on don't leave. The night's still young, we still chilling

KJ: yeah girl, just sit back down and ignore him

Crystal: [sighs] okay fine! I'll stay for a few more hours then imma leave to go call my man

Ming: ohhh so the glow is from dick after all

Crystal: [smiles] maybe

Devale: [stands up to leave]

Trinity: Devale sit yo ass down man!!

Brian: [chuckles] yall been around each other too long yall even react the same

Crystal: what's that supposed to mean?

Brian: two peas in a pod is all I'm saying

[Crystal and Devale briefly lock eyes]

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