Chapter 32

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Crystal: -turns around- weak? Who are you calling weak?

Josh: you!!! One minor disagreement and you ran like a punk ass bitch

Devale: watch your fuckin mouth!

Josh: [chuckles] or what?

Devale: -walks closer but Crystal pulls him back-

Crystal: he's not worth it, let's just go -walking the opposite direction-

Josh: [chuckles] yeah do that, that's what you're good at

Crystal: -turns around- nigga fuck you!!! You have the nerve to stand here and say that BS to me after what you did!!?

Josh: I said I was sorry!!! You could've given me a chance to explain and fix things yet you ran right back into this nigga's arms

Crystal: you don't get how much you fucked up!!! Nothing you could've said was gon win me back! I have zero tolerance for lies and you know that! -starts walking away-

Josh: Crystal I swear on my life, if you don't come back to me you're gonna regret it!

Crystal: wtf is that supposed to mean?

Josh: I love you to death

Devale: -grabs him by the collar- nigga are you threatening her??!

Josh: [laughs] I don't make idle threats, now let go of me if you know what's good for you!

Devale: -head bumps Josh and he falls to the ground-

Amaka comes running over from the next aisle

Amaka: daddy are you okay?

Josh: -getting up while wiping his bloody nose- I'm fine baby, are you done picking out your games?

Amaka: [smiles] yes!

Crystal: -pulls Devale- let's just go please, that poor girl doesn't deserve to watch her father get beat up

Josh: this isn't over!!!

They went their separate ways, Devale paid for the toys and then walked Crystal to her car. When they got to the parking lot they discovered that all 4 of Crystal's tires were slashed.

Crystal: what the fuckkk!!!

Devale: I know you don't condone violence but I swear imma kill that nigga the next time I see him!

Crystal: okay calm down! There's no way of knowing if he did this, I mean Josh is alot of things but crazy ain't one of them

Devale: yeah right! Crystal wake tf up, this isn't just a coincidence!!

Crystal: maybe it is D (rapping)
I got enemies
Got a lot of enemies
Got a lot of people tryna drain me of my energy

Devale: [laughs] oh please, I bet you can't even name one

Crystal: [chuckles] uhm... Karen

Devale: [laughs] whatever, let's go I'll give you a ride home

Crystal: -pulls out her phone- no that won't be necessary, I'll just request an Uber

Devale: -snatches her phone- the hell you will. Idk why you're taking this so lightly but I'm not taking any chances, let's go!!!

Crystal: I can't just leave my car here

Devale: don't worry, I'll call a tow truck to bring it back to your place! I also know a guy who can put in some new wheels, I'll wait with you until he's done

Crystal: that's very sweet D, but you've already spent almost all day with me! It's probably time you get back to Kay and the boys

Devale: don't worry about none of that, my only priority right now is making sure you're safe. Now for the last time miss Hayslett, please get in the car before I do it for you!

Crystal: [smiles] okay fineee

|Crystal's place |

It took the towing company 30min to have the car towed back, the mechanic guy spent about an hour fixing the wheels. The time is now 7:00 p.m and Devale doesn't want to leave Crystal's side.

They're sitting on the couch watching Martin, the episode comes to an end...

Crystal: -pauses the tv- okay time for you to go buddy, thanks again for everything!

Devale: [hesitant] how about one more episode?

Crystal: [chuckles] you said that 3 episodes ago! D it's getting late, I'm sure your wife and kids are getting worried and I'm also sleepy

Devale: [sighs] I just don't feel comfortable leaving you alone tonight! What if that crazy ass nigga comes by?

Crystal: [laughs] like I said, we don't know if it's him for sure! And also, I'm a single woman in ATL my place is very secure, don't worry I'll be fine!

Devale: okay fine but let's make a deal

Crystal: okay?

Devale: at least let me stay until you fall asleep. Then I can patrol the premises and make sure everything's in order before I leave?

Crystal: what about Khadeen?

Devale: I texted her that I'll be home late, she's cool

Crystal: [sighs] I guess there's no point in arguing with you, so fine you have a deal!

Devale: [smiles] now come lay back down and let's continue watching Martin

Crystal: -smiles and lays her head on his lap-

Devale: -puts a thrower over her body and kisses her cheek- okay now resume the TV

Crystal: [laughs] this is one of my favorite episodes

Devale: [chuckles] mine too! Crazy how we like the same things

Crystal: I know right!

Devale: they don't call us the 'modern day Martin and Gina' for no reason!

Crystal: [chuckles] they don't call US that, they call ZATIMA that

Devale: [laughs] whatever helps you sleep at might

Crystal: [yawns] shut up Devale

A few minutes into the episode both of them have fallen fast asleep with the TV still playing in the background. Some hours went by and Crystal is now snoring on Devale's lap while he's sleeping with his head laid back and his arm around her...

Meanwhile Devale's phone is on the kitchen island continously flashing...

(10 missed calls)

Devale it's 01:00 a.m you should've been back hours ago!

Where are you?

Babe seriously I'm getting worried!

You better not be where I think you are😤

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