Chapter 28

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Jazzy showed up to Crystal's house early in the morning, she had her luggage packed and ready for takeoff

Knock knock knock

Crystal: [opens door] girl what the hell are you doing here so early?

Jazzy: duh we have a busy day ahead of us, a Dr's appointment, get our paperwork sorted and we have a flight to catch!

Crystal: [laughs] yeah I slept on it and I don't think it's wise of us to just pop up in a foreign country, I mean I don't even have an idea of where his home is

Jazzy: damn so he never mentioned anything about his upbringing to you?

Crystal: all I know is that it's somewhere in Lagos

Jazzy: well don't you have his phone GPS? We can always track his phone when we get to Lagos, matter fact I can do it now! Gimme your phone

Crystal: [laughs] oh lawd here goes detective Jazzy. My phone's somewhere in the living room, anyway I was about to make myself some breakfast, would you like some?

Jazzy: [walking to get the phone] yes please!! What are you making? Eggs with waffles and bacon?

Crystal: uhh no! Just some cereal, idk why but I've recently started hating the smell of eggs

Jazzy: mmh that can only mean one thing

Crystal: [rolls eyes] girl please don't start!! It's too early for that shit

Jazzy: [chuckles] okay fine, so uhm which hotel were you gon book for us?

Crystal: idk I hadn't thought that far, why?

Jazzy: well according to Google maps, his phone location pinged in a township not too far from 'The Wheatbaker' hotel.

Crystal: [eyes wide] damn you found it so quick?

Jazzy: I keep telling yall to put some respect on my name!

Crystal: mmh idk Jazzy, I have a really bad feeling about this! Plus my appointment with Dr Avery is scheduled for later on

Jazzy: okay no pressure, but how about we make the accommodation and flight reservations just in case. Then you ask Dr Avery for an earlier time, if you're still not up to it then we'll just request a refund

Crystal: [sighs] okay fine

Jazzy: great! Anyway I haven't eaten in 12 hours, I need me a greasy breakfast- cereal ain't gon cut it! So uhm you can excuse yourself while I fry some eggs

Crystal: [laughs] girl how you gon dismiss me in MY house?!

Jazzy: [chuckles] I'm only looking out for you boo

Crystal: yeah whatever, I need to go shower anyway and call Dr Avery. Help yourself to whatever

Jazzy: [in the pantry] I'm way ahead of you


A few hours went by and they managed to book their rooms and flights, they also managed to get all the paperwork sorted. It was now time for Crystal's appointment with Dr Avery, her and Jazzy drove to the hospital together while Kayla met them there.

|Hospital |

-standing outside the door-

Kayla: are you ready?

Crystal: [exhales] yeah

Jazzy: don't worry, we got you

-they walk in-

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