Chapter 34

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Outside Crystal's place...

|Black car|


Lady 1: hey, it's me

Khadeen: so was I right?

Lady 1: [sighs] yeah, he just left now which implies that he spent the night

Khadeen: [exhales] I knew it!! So what are we gon do? She clearly wants to learn the hard way

Lady 1: I don't know yet bu- [looks out the window]

Khadeen: what is it? Why'd you go quiet?

Lady 1: [chuckles] I think our Crissy might have multiple people tailing her, lemme call you back

Khadeen: wait!! Where are you going? Is it safe?

Lady 1: oh darling I'm always safe, I'm just gonna go talk to him. I'll call you back, bye *hangs up*

The lady steps out of her car and walks a few steps to where there's a 2nd car parked. She taps on the window of the driver's side...

Josh: [opens window] oh shit, uhm it's not what it looks lik-

Lady 1: shhh, I'm not here to judge you. In fact, I think you and I ultimately want the same thing

Josh: what makes you say that?

Lady 1: because you're outside Crystal's house spying on her with some binoculars

Josh: I'm not spying, like I said it's not what it looks lik-

Lady 1: oh please! Listen, spare me the details!! I don't care, all I care about is making sure Crystal stays away from Devale forever!!

Josh: [smiles] ok you're right after all, we do want the same thing

Lady 1: exactly! So are you in?

Josh: of course!! So what's the plan? What do you need me to do in order to get my girl back?

Lady 1: [gives him a piece of paper] that's my number, call me later on today -starts walking away-

Josh: wait wait, I didn't get your name

Lady 1: [turns around] the name's Ellis, Victoria Ellis


|Amira's party|

Jazzy: ugh I don't know why I let you talk me into accompanying you to a child's party!! You know I got better things to do with my time right?

Crystal: [rolls eyes] I know Jazzy but Kayla went to some family thing at Drew's so you were my last option

Jazzy: yeah whatever, how much longer do we have to be here? I can't stand all this loud laughter, running and screaming shit

Crystal: [chuckles] girl come on, these kids aren't even that bad! Let's just wait til they cut the cake then we can leave

Jazzy: [sighs] okayyy, well here comes your boy, I need me a drink if I have to be here much longer

Devale: [walks up] ladies thank you so much for coming, can I get yall something to drink?

Jazzy: a shot of tequila

Devale: [laughs and looks at Crys] yo is she serious?

Crystal: unfortunately

Devale: Jazzy we're not serving alcohol at a kid's party, the least I can offer you is some wine

Jazzy: that'll do -stands up- point me into the direction of the kitchen please

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