Chapter 42

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|Crystal's room|

Devale: ... [in tears] baby I don't know if you can hear me but in the movies they always say you can hear people even when you're in a coma [chuckles] shit I hope you did hear me because I didn't just spend the last 20min pouring my heart out to you for nothing! Okay but baby fr this time, I want you to know that I've already started dealing with the people responsible for this! My mom got admitted into the psych ward last night and I promise imma do everything in my power to make sure she stays there forever!!! That way she can never get close enough to hurt you, baby I'm so sorry I couldn't protect you from her but I promise it'll never happen again! [Sighs] and as far as Joshua is concerned, my mom's contact said he skipped town but I will turn the whole world upside down until I find him! -crying intensifies- Khad-

Gladys: [clears her throat]

Devale: [startled] shiit, uhm miss Gladys.. h-how long have you been standing there?

Gladys: long enough

Devale: -stands up- I know you're pissed and you have every right to be but please believe me when I say I love your daughter and I would never intentionally put her i-

Gladys: shhh... You're doing a lot of talking but you're not saying nothing I want to hear

Devale: [confused] I don't follow?

Gladys: don't be stupid Devale! I'm not concerned about your love for my daughter! I want to know about the people who did this to my baby! I caught the name Joshua, you also mentioned your mother. Who else?

Devale: before I say anything I need to know what you're gonna do with the information

Gladys: I can tell you but then I'd have to kill you [smirks]

Devale: [blank stare] I don't know if you're joking

Gladys: I'm deadass

Devale: [sighs] okay the only person you should be concerned about is Joshua Adaye, I'll tell you everything I know about that scumbag! And don't worry about my mom, I'll personally handle her

Gladys: okay cool, I understand you wanting to keep her alive because you wouldn't exist without her but hear me when I say... if she even tries to breathe in my daughter's direction I'll personally cut off her circulation, are we clear?

Devale: [eyes wide] damn mama Hayslett don't play!! Yes we're clear! Don't worry she won't be a problem, I have to go check on my daughter, I'll give you some privacy *stands up to leave*

Gladys: Devale are you sure that those are the only two names involved?

Devale: [hesitant] yes mam

Gladys: and if I heard you correctly, their motive was to break you and Crystal up?

Devale: [sighs] yes but like I said I really lov-

Gladys: aht aht, like I said that's none of my concern. Thank you, you may leave now.

Devale leaves out to give Gladys some privacy. Truth is he didn't wanna mention Khadeen's name because despite what she did she's still the mother of his sons and killing her would completely shatter them.

Gladys leans down to kiss Crystal's forehead before taking a seat on the bedside.

Gladys: [teary-eyed] oh my sweet baby! If you can hear me I need you to fight! Don't leave me, I promise to protect you from here onwards [sighs] I love you so much Renée and I'm so proud of you, I'm sorry I never took the time to tell you when I had the chance but baby I promise I'll be a better mother- the best mommy! All you have to do is open your eyes, I'll even settle for you squeezing my hand, please baby [sobbing]

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