[🥀/💓] Choreography - Hyunho

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It was the first time when Minho - main dancer of Stray kids, member of danceracha, couldn't learn a choreography that Felix and HyunJin created.

"Okay, Minho, tell me: you can't learn the choreography, or you just don't want to?" HyunJin asked in annoyed ton, making Lee feel guilty. He tried to hold his tears back, but couldn't because of look that Hwnag give to him. He felt do useless and dumb.

"I-I'm really trying, I'm s-so sorry, HyunJin, I'm so sorry, everyone..." He cried out, making other's gasp. None of them ever seen Minho crying after the survival show.

"HyunJin, what the heck? You made him cry! He's your boyfriend, have some respect!" Felix shouted. "Okey, guys, please leave. You HyunJin need to calm the heck down, and the rest of you can just rest. I'll help Minho with the choreography without making him cry."

"Do as Felix said, please boys." BangChan said pointing at the doors. Everyone leave, hugging Minho lightly, cheering him up a bit.

"You better learn the choreography, Lee. Bye." HyunJin left, still angry.

"Come here, Min." Felix opened his arms and hug Minho as tight as he could. "Don't listen to him, HyunJin is just pissed off because he was arguing with JiSung in the morning and now he just let the emotions take control."

Minho didn't answer, feeling too comfortable in youngers arms.

"Okay, let's start practising, shall we?" Older just nodded, taking deep breath.


"You did it, Min! All correct!" Said Felix when the music in speakers was gone. Minho didn't do any mistakes. "I'm so proud of you."

"Thank you, Lixie." Lee smiled. "Ugh, I'm so tired!"

"Me too. Should we get back to the dorm and get some rest like the other's?"

"Yes, please." Minho groaned, grabbing his things like a hoodie.


"And, how the practice went?" BangChan asked as two boys get back to the dorm.

"Very well! Minho did everything good. I think the reason of his mistakes before was just Hwnag fucking HyunJin, who was glancing at Minho all the freaking time." Felix looked at HyunJin with mad expression, making everyone except Minho do the same.

"I think your right, Felix." Changbin admitted. "Even I noticed that look HyunJin give him"

"Oh and it's all my fault?! Maybe he just don't have any talent, or he is just that dumb!" HyunJin screamed, gasping a second later. He didn't ment to say that, so why the fuck he did that?! "On no, no, no, it's not what I wanted to say! Minnie I-

"You stupid bastard, why did you said that!"

"Minho is the most talented dancer in our group!"

Screams went all around the room. Everyone was shocked or angry, except Minho and HyunJin. They were sad. Minho, because of what his boyfriend said, and HyunJin, because of the guilt.

"Shut up!" Chan hit the table, making the room silent. "We all going out, you, Minho, need to rest. Please, go to the bed, take long hot shower od whatever will relax you. You, Hwang, better think about your behaviour and then CALMLY apologies to Minho. Does EVERYONE understand?"

Every member just nodded and went to do what BangChan said.


Minho closed himself in his and HyunJins bedroom, starting crying like a little baby that lost their mom in the shop.

While HyunJin sat in the living room, still unable to believe what he said to Minho. He loved that boy the most in the whole word, he could die for him!

HyunJin decided to go to Minho. There's no way he could normally think when his baby is hurt, because of him.

He went to their room, opening the door with spare key.

"I want to be alone.." Minho cried silently, hearing the doors open.

"No way I will leave you now. I know I did wrong and you can hate me as much as you want to, but I'm now leaving. Come here, you can hug me to death, I don't care, I just want you to stop crying." Minho didn't last longer, and just run into HyunJins arms.

"I'm so sorry, my love. I didn't mean to said any of that. Your the most talented, smart and beautiful person I've ever met. I love everything about you and everything that comes with you. I'M the dumb one for said what I said." HyunJin said, hearing soft sobs that brooke his heart.

"I forgive you. That's okay. You had to vent your emotions, I understand." Minho kissed the younger, making all the pain and sadness gone. "I love you"

"And I love you more, mon amour."

[For those who don't understand french at all:
Mon amour(read: mí amor) = my love]

First one! Hope y'all like it!

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