[💋/💓] Alpha and omega - 2min

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Top - Minho
Bottom - Seungmin

This is three parts translated from polish to english so I hope y'all are happy bc it's super long

Month passed by and Minho still didn't accept who his omega was.

Lee came out as Alpha a year ago - just as he expected. His younger sister, older brother, and dad were all Alphas, so he had to be too.

Ever since he was a child, he dreamed of becoming an Alpha and having his Omega, but he also had requirements for it. He wanted a pretty, petite brunette with a narrow waist, sparkling eyes and a wonderful smile. And he got what he asked for, but... But he got a boy instead of a girl.

He ran into Kim Seungmin by chance, or rather Seungmin ran into him. Literally. The younger boy just tripped on the last step of the school stairs and bumped into Minho. As soon as their skin touched... They were just sure they were meant for each other.

But Minho still couldn't accept it.

His family kept telling him it was okay. After all, his sister has a girlfriend and his brother has a boyfriend, so it's not surprising or bad if his mate turns out to be a boy.


Minho tried to be indifferent to Seungmin: he wouldn't say "Hey" to him in the hallway, wouldn't let him cuddle, etc. However, when Kim didn't show up at school for three days, Minho immediately started looking for the boy he used to see Seungmin with very often.

"Hey! You blonde!" He shouted, noticing the blond hair in the corridor. The young boy turned to him with a questioning look.

"You need something?"

"You're friends with Seungmin, right?"

"Yeah... What do you want from Minnie? Fuck you stupid pervert! I won't let you touch him or even smell him!" The young boy started screaming, jumping up and down and twirling his fists. Well - Felix is ​​a caring friend.

"Come to your senses, cowboy, I have no intention of hurting him. I'm his... Mate."

"Oh... Lee Minho, right?"


"Now listen to me, asshole. Minnie doesn't need a freak like you in his life who can't even talk to his mate. If you're not going to love him like a real mate should, then get the fuck out. I don't want to hear him cry anymore."

"I... why isn't he at school?"He asked, not paying attention to Felix's words, but he wrote them down in the back of his mind and carved them in his heart.

"Ma... Well, that's.... Um.... Hes in heat! Now I remember. Seungmin is in heat and can't come. The reasons, I hope, are known."

"Heat...?" Where does he live?

"********* ****** ** *****."

"Thanks, Seungmin's friend."

"You're welcome, biggest asshole on the planet."


Minho's wolf has never been so angry. Lee himself didn't know why, but his instinct told him to go to Seungmin immediately, which he did by running away from school.

He ran towards his mate's house and met his (probably) mother right at the door.

"Um, excuse me, are you Seungmin's mom?"

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