[🔥/💓] Cold prince and cute puppy - 2min

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Guys I was thanking for 60k views SIX DAYS AGO and we're already close to 70k?! Wft😭😭 what did I do to deserve this...?!?!?!?

Btw it's short one because I was in mood to write it :)

Minho slowed his pace and leaned in to kiss Seungmin. "I love you so much..." The older whispered into his mouth, them speed up his pace again.

This made Seungmin struggling to answer. "L-L-Lofe ywo t-too!" The puppy-like boy moaned. Minho smirked, happy with an answer.


Next morning Seungmin woke up alone in Minho's bed.

Not for long tho because just minute after he woke up, Minho walked inside the room with sandwiches and orange juice for his cute boyfriend.

"Good morning, my puppy~" Seungmin blushed hearing the nickname Minho called yesterday.

Well, Minho was calling him that months ago when he was still teasing the cute boy to get his attention. By teasing I mean; Sticking cards on Seungmin's back that say "Minho's property", scaring away everyone from Seungmin when they tried to flirt with him, or making him blush with people around by pulling him close, but not kissing him and then leaving.

"Morning, MinMin Hyung.." Seungmin hugged him.

"Yah, I told to stop calling me 'Hyung'! I'm your boyfriend, you don't need to use honorifics anymore!" Minho rolled his eyes. He wanted Seungmin to feel comfortable with him, and assure him they honorifics are definitely not needed here.

"Sorry, MinMin. I'll stop." Seungmin give him peck on cheek before smiling widely.


Seungmin and Minho have been together for two weeks, but today was a first day they decided to announce it. And knowing that this school lives with gossip, they knew they don't have to do much. That's why they decided that the best idea to announce their relationship will be just holding hands once they are in school, and even on their way there.

Once group of few girls noticed it, in few minutes already half of the students knew.

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