[💓] New boy in school - Jilix pt.2

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Btw I have one question - what do you TRULY think about one shots I wrote? You can even leave hate here, just be honest please.

After few hours of lessons Felix get more comfortable with his new classmates, especially with Lily and Danielle, who spoke really fluent in English, and Wonyoung, who seems like a really good friend under all her actions that might seem kind of pick me and annoying.

Others, of course, were cool too. And the best part; everyone loved that Felix had skirt on, no pants!


Second after Felix spotted Rachel in crowd of students, he rushed into her arms. You need to know - Felix love his sister more than anything else in the universe.

"Yongbookie! How was your first day at school?" She asked, smiling and hugging back her brother. "Mine was sooo good! I already have tons new friends!"

"'was great, I meet other Aussies!"


Next day was way easier than the last one. Felix finally could fall asleep, even if something (or I'd rather say someone) wouldn't leave his mind for oh so long.

He didn't tell anyone about his love at first sight named JiSung a.k.a squirrel-looking boy. Even Rachel.

By all those lessons and periods between them he had a chance to talk with squirrel boy more, so now he know a little bit more about him; JiSung love rapping and think's about becoming rapper one day. He have two best friends (Chan Christopher Bang and Seo Changbin). The three of them are in band named 3racha. They're producing music on their own.


Waking up was hard... But isn't that just normal?
Felix exchanged his pijama to school uniform, not carrying about his hair.

Young boy went to kitchen, seeing his mom and sister talking and eating.

"Your finally awake!" Rachel saw him. "Eat and we're going to school or we'll be late."


In school, Felix was all over Jisung. Talking to him all the time, blushing like fangirl, giggling on JiSung's jokes, even if their weren't that funny.


In day's, their relationship start growing pretty well. Both of them become more and more comfortable with each other. Felix even get to meet Changbin and Chris and let Jisung meet his sister and best friend at once, Rachel.

In like two months of 'friendship' Jisung met Felix's mom. The meeting was a simple dinner, but Mrs. Lee was already loving Han and his humor, treating him like he was her own child.

Two Weet after that, Felix was invited on barbecue with JiSung's parent's

And... Saying that the meeting went great would be such a shame...

It was freaking awesome! JiSung's parent's fell in love with Felix. The event told JiSung: "Loose this angel and your going for adoption", making Felix laughing like crazy and Jisung fake crying.

After five months those two become inseparable; making sleep overs twice a week (or more sometimes). Sometimes, they would even end each other's sentences, knowing what other ment to say.



Felix was running away from Jisung (that was chasing him) on beach, laughing and shielding his eyes from the sun.

"I didn't ate your sausage!" Felix screamed through laugh in Korean, pronouncing a few consonants and vowels incorrectly, however, trying to speak the language Jisung helps him learn.

"I saw it were you, you blond cute dumbass!" Jisung shouted back, not realising how he called Felix.

But younger heard him.

Lee stopped, letting JiSung pin him the ground, still shouting about his sausage.

When Jisung saw how out of reality Felix was, he stopped and looked at him with confused look.

"What happed?"

"Y-You really think I'm.. cute?" Felix asked with red cheeks, not sure if it was because of situation he is in or from the sun burning his skin.

"Wha- I called you that..?" JiSung eyes widened.

"You called me "blond cute dumbass"..." Felix remembered him.

"I... I ment that, Felix, your really cute. The cutest boy I've ever seen, honestly..."

Both of them were just sitting in silent before their realised position their were in. Jisung, on top of Felix, sitting on lower part on youngers belly.

Jisung immediately jumped of. "I-I'm sorry!"

"I-I don't mind you sitting like this..."


Felix and JiSung were sitting on sand, looking at ocean.

Jisung slowly turned his head to look at Felix, younger did the same.

Both of them just slowly breathes, looking deeply into each other's eyes. Finally, they both started to leaning in, their noses almost touching.
After few seconds, Felix couldn't take the pressure anymore. "If he won't like it, he will just push me away, right...?" Felix thought, kissing older slowly.
Jisung was shocked at first, but when reality (of Felix kissing him) hit him he immediately kissed back.

Few more stolen kisses later, boys pulled away (but still were close to each other).

"Does that mean we are.. a thing now..?" Felix asked/whispered, looking down on his knees.

"I mean.. if you want to.." JiSung whispered back.

"I really do..." Felix moved his hand on sand, touching Jisung hand lightly.

"Then.. um.."

"Jisung.. will you.. be my boyfriend?" Felix grabbed olders hand, quickly turning his head, looking Jisung in the eyes.

"Of course I will!" Jisung hugged Felix tightly, giggling from joy that fullfilled his heart.

My shy babies 😭♥️

I like the ending, but what do you think, my sweethearts?

- your lonely, but
less lonely that
usual, author

(Thanks for begin my Minho btw Stay44Es22 <3!)

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