[💋] The sex scene - Minsung

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Wrote by: Alex-Wrye <3

〘 ɪɴ ᴀɴ ᴀsᴛᴇʀɪsᴋ (*) = ɪɴ ɪᴛᴀʟɪᴄs 〙

it was a lovely monday afternoon - well, as lovely as monday's can be. it was warm with a small breeze rustling through the trees.
it was straykids' time off after constantly promoting 5-star for the past few weeks, and all the members were relaxing in their own ways: chan was having some well-deserved sleep; jeongin, seungmin and changbin were out at the new diner that had just opened; felix and jisung were playing mario kart against each other in their shared room; hyunjin had taken a walk to clear his head; and minho was reading a book in his room. no-one had anything to do all week, except minho who had to have his hair dyed purple the day before.

all was calm in the dorm; no screaming from jeongin, no hyunjin knocking anything over, no noise at all - apart from the occasional shout from the twins room when one of them fell off the track.
but minho's mind was anything but peaceful, calm, nor quiet. the book he'd just happened to pick up had him  squirming in his seat.

*"mph~ oh god!"
"you like that? you like the way i fuck your tight, little boy pussy like that?"
"god, love it so much." hye moaned, as chul thrust into him at an unfathomable pace. his toes curled in pleasure, a waterfall of moans flowing from his mouth freely while chul pushed him onto the bed even harder, his hand on his lovers back.
"god, shut up you bitch; you'll wake hani. or would you like that? would you like her to see her older brother like this, spread out of the bed for me to have as and when i want it."
"such a good little cocksleeve, made for taking just my cock, isn't that right?"
"mhm! perfect cocksleeve for only you! love it so fucking much~ oh my god!*

minho gulped, regretting his decision to read this kind of book in broad daylight with the door unlocked and slightly open. sure, he could've just gotten up and locked the door but, he was so engrossed in the book that he just couldn't pull himself to put the book down for even thirty seconds.
he looked down at his pants, cursing himself for allowing himself to get a boner right at this moment.
there was a small knock at the door as minho panicked, trying to cover his prominent erection, but the person just walked right into the room without a second thought.
"mi... nnie. oh. hi"


"living, breathing, talking... enjoying watching you squirm." the younger smirked, counting the list on his fingers as minho glared at him. he giggled, as minho watched him walk to the bed and sit next to him, opening the book and flipping through it. "really, darling? getting all excited over a small sex scene in a book? how pathetic."

"you having fun?" minho asked, extremely annoyed but still horny.

"yeah, actually."

"ok, seriously, why are you in my room?"

"calm down, kitten," minho's face flushed a bright red at that small nickname, much to his embarrassment. "felix went to go find hyunjin since he texted us saying he's got himself lost and i wanted to find you since chan's alseep." he leaned forward, whispering into minho's ear. "i did only want to keep you company... but now, how about i help you with that?"

"but the walls are really thin and chan might wake up..."

"they're also thin enough that i know it takes quite a long time for you to cum, but as soon as you start moaning my name it only takes a moment." jisung chuckled at minho's flushed state, red with both embarrassment and lust.
he noticed minho's eyes getting slightly clouded, almost like he was about to cry. "min? what's wrong?"

"it's embarrassing... and it hurts. too much." minho looked down, covering his erection with his hands. "please... just go and don't tell the others."

"n'aw, bubs, c'mon darling, there's nothing to be embarrassed about. i even offered to help you, but if you don't want that, i won't force it."

"i never said no..." minho looked away in embarrassment, but turned back to the younger as he felt his legs being spread and hands held above his head.

he was pushed gently onto the bed, as jisung kissed gently down his exposed stomach. minho wasn't even sure when his shirt had been removed. "i love your cute tummy, baby.."
he pulled his sweatpants off with his teeth, licking his clothed cock. minho moaned, gripping the younger's hand and interlocking their fingers. "can i?"

jisung nosed at his clothed crotch, making his intentions crystal clear. "please. i'll do anything, but just make me feel good."

"of course, love."

he smiled, kissing his crotch before pulling his underwear down with his teeth.

he kissed the tip, before taking the elders length entirely into his mouth. minho gripped jisung's hair, his cock pulsating in the younger's mouth. jisung bobbed his head against the others penis, his nose being buried in his neatly trimmed pubes on each down stroke. "sungie! feels so good~! c- can i fuck your face?" minho whispered the least part, but jisung heard it loud and clear.

"you wanna fuck my face?" minho nodded shyly. "go for it darling, be as aggressive as you like."jisung latched back into the elder, bobbing his head slowly and waiting for his head to be pushed down our hips thrust up, but didn't quite expect both to happen at the same time.minho moaned, thrusting his hips into the youngers mouth as jisung only say on his knees, letting the submissive use him to get off. tears pooled in the ravens eyes, as he could already feel the back of his throat bruising.

"sung! fuck, 'm close!"

"cum for me babe, it's alright." minho came with a loud, pornographic moan as he pulled on the younger's hair for the last time.
jisung pulled off the elder, rubbing his hips to help bring him down from his orgasm. "feel good?""y- yeah~ so good." minho was breathless, gasping for air as if he'd been underwater.jisung kissed his thighs, before standing up, which gave the elder a clear shot of his own erection.

"come on, let's get you cleaned up." minho gave the younger grabby hands, clearly wanting to be picked up. "alright, you big baby."

he picked the elder up and was going to walk into the bathroom, when he whispered the most sinful thing jisung had ever heard.
"i don't wanna clean up yet; i want you to make me scream your name until my voice is gone. i don't want you to stop until i'm crying and whimpering. i want you to open my legs and fuck me until i can't keep them open any longer. make me into your own personal fuckdoll. *"fuck me until you're all i can think about."*
jisung froze.

"god, i'll do just that you whore."

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