[💓/💋] Switch - Minchan/ot5 pt.2

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Written by: atzskz0<3
I think it's really as your first smut!
(The start is mine and part of story written by atzskz0 is marked ❗)

When Chan saw that Minho wasn't in his and I.N's room, he went to his own room which he shared with Changbin.

And that was great choice because Minho was there. Covered in sheets on Chan's queen sized bed, crying.

"Oh, my poor baby..." Chan quicky approached him and hugged younger tightly.

"Ch-Channie!" Minho cried out. Cat ears that he was still wearing almost fell, but any of them care.

"How can I cheer you up, kitten? Do you want ice cream, snacks? Or anything else? I can give you everything you want, baby." Older asked, slowly stroking youngers back.

Minho looked at him with puppy eyes before pushing him on bed and sitting on his lap. Then he hugged Chris and covered them both in sheets. "Wan' cuddles..."

"Of course, prince."


On the next day, Minho felt nothing but nervous. What if the boys hate him now?

When Minho stepped into kitchen, all of his worries got whipped up.

"MinMin!" Seungmin run towards his Hyung, hugging him. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry! I promise, we don't hate you and we didn't want you to cry, we- we were just curious a-and we don't think differently of you!" Younger boy started crying in his Hyung's arm's as other watched them with big smile.

"His right, Hyung," HyunJin spoke, then wrapped his arms around both Seungmin and Minho. "We're sorry and I promise we don't hate you."

Felix hugged Minho from behind, JiSung from other side. Changbin tried to hug everyone, but failed and ended up hugging Chan and I.N who just got into the kitchen and ware left alone (until Changbin hugged them).

After few minutes 2Chan decided to go to the studio and grab breakfast on their way there. Hyunjin decided to join since he loved to draw his Hyung's when they work.

They left, but maknae's still hugged Minho which made him giggle, "Guuys, we have to eat breakfast!" He said.

But boys didn't let him and after like one or two minutes he felt something hard poking his ass.

"U-Um Felix o-or JiSung, one of y-you have something i-in the pocket and it's poking me..."

Felix grabbed olders waist and pulled him closer, "My pants down have pockets, baby." He whispered in his deep voice right into Minho's ear. Chills ran down his spine.

Seungmin who was still hugging the older started leaving wet kisses on his neck. "S-Seungminnie what are you d-doing?" Leeknow stuttered out.

"You know Hyung" Jeongin started, "Channie-hyung said we had to make it up to you". "And that's exactly what we're going to do" Felix added.

Felix carried Leeknow up to his and I.N shared bedroom with the rest behind. Han was the last one to enter, he made sure to lock the door.

"Now Hyung you lay down and let us work" Seungmin said in low seductive tone. "But before do we have your full consent and permission" Jisung asked.

Leeknow just nodded, "Words, baby" Felix said in his deep voice. "Yes, just hurry up" Leeknow said getting impatient.

"Patients sweetheart" I.N stated.

Seungmin and Han soon switch places (Seungmin standing up,Han on the bed). Felix pulled off the olders shirt and started sucking on his nipples.

While seungmin and leeknow was making out. Seungmin moved down and started leaving dark marks along his neck. Leeknow was a moaning mess by now with all the pleasure he was receiving and it wasn't even the best part.

He soon gasped at the cold air hitting his bare legs and looked down at Jisung in between them.

"You alright Hyung?" Jisung asked with a bit worry for the elder. The older just nodded and went back to kissing Seungmin.
Jisung soon pulled down the older boxer's revealing his aching cock. Jisung started to kitten lick Leeknow's cock making him buck his hips up.

"Baby be patient" Jisung said with a smirk before deep throating Leeknow. By now everyone had pulled away and let Jisung work.

While everyone else was preparing for the next step. Jisung started bobbing his head up and down at a slow pace before speeding up.

"Nnngh fuck" Leeknow moaned.

I.N tapped Jisung shoulder signaling for him to stop and they switched places.

I.N spreaded Leeknow legs apart and started kissing his thighs making his way up to his hole. He blew cold air making the older breath hitch.
He soon lube up three of his fingers. Putting one inside and added another scissoring the older.I.N added all three fingers thrusting in and out of the older.

"Mmm, f-feels good" Leeknow moaned out. I.N soon pulled away causing the older the whimper from the emptiness.

Felix got on the bed a long with Seungmin. "Hyung what is your safe word" Seungmin asked "Red" Leeknow replied. "Great because once we start we aren't going to stop" Felix deep voice whispered in the older ear.

Seungmin grabbed the lube for the nightstand and pour some on his hand passing it to Felix.

While Felix was lubing up his cock,Seungmin was lubing up Leeknow's.

Once they were ready Felix enter Leeknow while Seungmin sank down onto Leeknow causing them all to groan (wrap it before you tap it).

"Mmh s-so big" Leeknow and Seungmin said at the same time. After a while of getting use to the size Seungmin started to slowly move.

Felix look at the older asking for permission to start moving also once he got it he started moving slow. Both Seungmin and Felix started to speed up.

Leeknow's mind was foggy with lust from all the pleasure he was receiving. He never thought a day in his life he would be fucking someone while being fucked and all he could do was moan.

"A-aah fuck" Seungmin screamed Leeknow's cock had hit his prostate and he started bouncing faster.

Felix was picking up the pace and soon hit Leeknow's prostate causing the older to moan "Agh r-right there".

Jisung and I.N left the room to start a bath for all of them and left the three to what they were doing.

Leeknow came in Seungmin without warning causing Seungmin to cum and just by the sight in front of him Felix came in Leeknow.

They all came crashing down on top of one another. Jisung and I.N came back in the room and helped them get up. Jisung carried Seungmin to the bathroom and Felix carried Leeknow.I.N cleaned up the room before going and joining them.

(While in the bath)

"Hyung", Jisung said the older hummed in response "We're truly sorry for what we did" he finished off. "Yea we never meant for that to happen" Seungmin added.

"Hey, it's okay I forgive you guys" Leeknow comforted his maknae line. "We love you Hyung, just know that" Felix said "I love you guys too".

They soon got out of the bath and made their way to Seungmin and Han's room. Leeknow and Seungmin was still sore so Felix carried Leeknow and Han carried Seungmin.

2Chan and Hyunjin came back from the studio and shopping "Guys we're home" Chan said but got no reply so he went up the stairs to see if everything okay.

"Uhh guys is everything okay" he asked a little worried seeing the sight in front of him "Everything fine hyung" Jisung whispered back since both Leeknow and Seungmin were asleep.

"Then whats with all of this" he asked now confused. I.N open the door for the four before answering "You told us to make it up to Leeknow hyung and that's what we did".

The door closed with that and the five all cuddled together on the king size bed.

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