[💋/💓] Can't explain - Jeongmin

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Top - Jeongin

Bottom - Seungmin

If you'd ask Seungmin how the fuck did he end up getting fucked out by his maknae screaming his name like there's no tomorrow even if all the members are in home, he couldn't answer. He himself don't know his that happened, but it just did.


Jeongin once was slowling his thrusts into Seungmin and once speeding them as much as he could. At that point Seungmin couldn't properly see or breath, not even think about anything.

"DA-DADDY, PLEASE DON'T DO THIS TO ME!" He screamed as Jeongin slowed his pace once again "PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE FASTER!" Older cried out.

"Alright, I'll stop teasing you..." Jeongin started speeding his moves "You were such a good baby for daddy, my previous baby boy."

Younger slowly kissed his uke. Unfortunately, the boy couldn't kiss back as he was completely out of mind. The think he was understanding what Jeongin was saying and he still could beg was a miracle.

"Let everyone hear who you belong to, love." Jeongin whispered.


"Are you close, little one?"


After few more thrusts, both of them come.
Seungmin was unable to answer anything right now, feeling like he was about pass out. Jeongin hugged him tightly.

"You're okey, baby? Do you need water? I'll go get you water." Younger stod up from bed and put some random clothes on.

"D-Don't go, daddy please.." Seungmin whispered, tearing up. All he now wanted was to feel his lover close. And maybe some water, but that was less important.

"Alright. Come here, baby." Jeongin hugged him once again, texting Jisung to bring bottle of water to his room. He covered Seungmin still naked body with blanket, making sure even his neck won't be leave uncovered.

And as we could have predicted - JiSung didn't come alone. In two minutes six's boys came into maknae's room.

"Yang Jeongin, what did you do to my precious, adorable second maknae?!" Chan rushed to them, wanting to check on Seungmin, but Jeongin hugged him tightly and wouldn't let him.

"Don't. Or I'll bite." He warned, making everyone except Seungmin and Chan giggle.


"His naked. I won't let you see him naked, not in this live, not in this universe."

"Ow... Maybe we should.. get out right now.." The oldest was embarrassed.

"No!" JiSung screamed.

"Yeah, we want to know how big is Jeongin." Felix said confident.

"Oh my god, guys!"

Seungmin was listening all the time, as he quietly said: "Like 8 inch.."

"What? 8 what? Centimetres?" HyunJin laughed.

"You were close to guess, baby. It's actually 10 inches." Jeongin kissed Seungmin forehead.

Everyone in the room gasped, stunned to speak. Jisung said something first, ending silent:
"how the fuck that even fit in your ass, Seungmin?! Now I'm no longer wondering why I heard you even if I was in living room!"

"Okay, that enough. Jisung, give Jeongin this damn water and we're all leaving them alone!" Chan said loudly.

Everyone this as their we're told, running away from angry Chris.

"Here, baby, drink some water, please.", Jeongin helped him, then picking older in bride style and taking him to the bathroom.


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