[💋] movie night - JeongChan

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Dom bottom - Jeongin
Sub top - Chan
The person wanted Jeongin top and Chan bottom but I hope it's okey that I changed it a little....

Requested by: CutieSeungmin098<3

"Guys what do you think abut having a movie night?" Felix asked excitedly.

"Oh Yeah, count me in!" JiSung replied.

"Me two!" Changbin smiled.

"Me three!" Hyunjin took a sip of lemonade as he sat down at the dining room table.

"Me four! Me four!" Seungmin jumped up excitedly, making everyone smile as they looked at him.

"I want to join too! It'll be fun to watch something with you guys like in our trainee days." Chan chuckled as he remembered those days.

"I'd love to watch something with you guys too." Minho put his arm around the other maknae.

At that time, Jeongin left his room and went to the dining room where everyone was already waiting for him.

"Innie! Hey mate!" Chan hugged the youngest member of the group.

"Hi, Hyung. Hi Minnie and Hi other's."

"Yah, why is Seungminnie and old man getting their own hi and we get just 'hi other's'?!" Minho asked reproachfully, making the others laugh.

"Cause why not? Minnie is my favourite and Chan said hello to me so I answered."

"You ungrateful kid-"



As evening fell, the members of the Stray kids sat on the couch. Of course, there were snacks prepared by Felix.

"So what are we watching?" HyunJin asked.

"365 days!" Changbin suggested.

"Yah, we have kids here!" Minho scolded him.

"I've watched it already. It was okay, we can watch it." Said I.N.

There was silence in the room for a moment. Fortunately, after a moment, Jisung spoke up, "I think 365 days will be okey, we're all adults."

After a few arguments, they finally managed to decide to watch "Fifty Shades of Black"(It's a copy of Fifty Shades of Gray but with a black man).

In a half of movie I.N became uncomfortable in position he was sitting, so he looked around and saw everyone got their pair to cuddle and he and Chan we're the only ones alone. Minho had Seungmin, JiSung had Felix and HyunJin had Changbin.

He moved closer to Chan and asked, "Hey, Channie, can we cuddle? I'm uncomfortable..."

"Of course! Come here." Chan tapped his lap. Jeongin immediately understood and sat there letting leader hug him tightly.

"Thank you.." said Jeongin, finally feeling warm and comfortable.


After next few minutes Jeongin was already bored to death since he watched this movie and knew what will happen, so it was no fun for him.

He decided that because he has a perfect opportunity, he will take it.
Moving his hips back and forth, Jeongin was rubbing against olders clothed member, that he could feel grew harder under him.

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