[💋] You are such a bad bad lier - Jeongmin pt. 2

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‼️ Warnings - Daddy kink..👀

Seungmin looked at boy in front of him. When Jeongin pulled him close and wrapped his arms around Seungmin's waist, younger decided to say something, "I-Innie, well, I was dreaming about something like this happening between me and you, but I don't want to be just night stand..." Seungmin confessed his real thoughts.  "And.. I do really like you, but can we stop?" Younger asked shyly. "I don't want to have sex with someone who don't love me... I'm sorry."

"Why are you apologizing? I won't do anything without your consent, so if you want to stop, I'm not doing anything more." Jeongin said, than leaned closer to Seungmin's ear, whispering: "But tell me, why are you so sure that I don't love you?"

"Y-You do..?"

"Who wouldn't love someone as smart, adorable like you?" Jeongin looked into younger eyes, noticing how shiny they were. "I love you, Kim Seungmin."

"I-I love you too..."

"And I'm sorry for ruining our sweet moment now.." older started, "..but I still can feel your boner against my thigh, so please let me help you." Seungmin blushed madly at this sentence, pushing Jeongin away a little bit. "But, if you don't won't me to touch you, I can leave you here to calm down, or solve this.. problem.. alone. But I can't swear that I'm not gonna be pissed off all day, thinking that I couldn't help you. And-"

"Just touch me." Seungmin cut him off while unbuttoning his own shirt, his shyness was gone just for a second. When his shirt almost fell off his shoulders, Seungmin simply unbuttoned his pants and sat on big bed behind him, pulling his pants completely off and spread his legs apart a little.

Jeongin's slightly open mouth quicky turned into smirk. He stared at the boy in front of him, marveling at his beauty.

How can you be so beautiful? He thought to himself as he slowly approached the younger.
He took off his boxers, leaving several wet kisses on his thigh.

"Get on all fours for me, baby." Jeongin demanded. Seungmin obeyed him, sticking his butt out more towards Yang.

Jeongin slightly spanked him once and grabbed lube from under the pillow, spreading some on his three fingers.

His middle finger circled around youngers hole before pushing slowly in. Seungmin whined from uncomfortable feeling, but after few moves of the finger inside him, it felt better. Jeongin added second finger. Then third, stretching and preparing the younger's hole for something bigger.

"I-Innie, I'm ready.. J-Just put it i-in already!" Seungmin whined, moaning at the same time.

"Alright, alright." Jeongin chuckled at the boy Infront of him. "You impatient baby."

Jeongin flipped Seungmin on his back,  pushing slowly in. But, if Seungmin was so impatient, why should he be so slow? Older pushed all way in, hearing the loudest and the most pornographic moan he ever heard.

Leaving no time for Seungmin to adjust, Jeongin started fucking Seungmin's brain out in animalistic pace.

"Moan my name, baby, I want to hear it from you." Jeongin whispered in Seungmin ear, expecting him to scream 'Jeongin' or 'Innie' like he called him before.

"D-Daddy! Please, please harder!"

Jeongin stopped for a second, shocked.

"D-Daddy, don't stop, I-I'm begging!" Seungmin pushed his hips up, "I-I won't ask... Tell y-you to D-Do anything a-any-anymore, just don't stop..! Daddy, P-Please!"

Shock escaped from Jeongin's body giving space to lust.

Jeongin put Seungmin's right leg on his shoulder to change angle, getting back to thrusting into younger. Faster, harder.

Seungmin was loosing his mind, unable to think about anything else unless Jeongin abusive his prostate. Cumming hard with Jeongin's 'name' on his lips, he felt like he was gonna pass out.

It's soooo bad😭😭😭

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