[💓] Valentine's Day - Seungin

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Inspired by some cute Seungin video I saw on tik tok
Btw I fell in love with "Into the new world" - Girls' Generation, "우리집 My house" - 2pm and "Here I am" from Boys planet! 💗💗

There's no so much time. Seungmin need to hurry.

But... How to hurry if it's about confessing to his first love?!

We can only imagine how stressed Seungmin is!


The first thing he did was go to Chan for advice.
He sat on olders bed, grab pillow to hug.

"What can I do for you, Seungminnie?" Chan smiled, sitting beside younger.

"Can you give me a little advice..?"

"Of course! What is it? What can Hyung do for you?"

"Well you see.. I think I'm in love and I wanted to confess on Valentine's Day but I don't know how... And your old, you know what to do, right?! Or should I go to Minho Hyung?! No! I'm going to Changbin Hyung!" The panicked boy got up from the bed.

Chan grab his wrist and pull him on his lap. After calming younger, he started talking.

"Calm down, Minnie, I know what to do and I'll help you."

"Oh my! Thanks hyung!"

"No problem, my child. But first tell me who that lucky person is!"

"Jeongin... He's so cute! He looks like baby fox! He's eyes are so small and adorable, his lips so kissable, and that smile! O my God!"

"Calm down, Romeo." Chan chuckle. "I'll help you, but you need to promise me you will take good care of Jeongin. He's like my youngest son for me."

"Of course! I'll make him the happiest boy on this planet!"

"That's what I wanted to hear. Now, let's talk about confessing your feelings."


Only one day left until Valentine's Day. Seungmin had everything planned, but still was stressed. Why? Because Yang Jeongin is a shy boy, but also a school heart breaker; half of the female and male population in this school tried to go on a date with him, but he always refuse. That's why Seungmin is close to don't doing anything. He's just scared.

Kim walked arm by arm with Chris through the hallway, but when he saw Jeongin, he got an idea.

Very stupid and bad idea.

Or... Maybe not that bad...?

He approached the younger, who noticed him immediately, because he wasn't talking to anyone. Yang Jeongin smiled at older.

Concentration, Seungmin! Concentrate! He thought to himself. But this smile... No! Con-cen-tra-tion!

"H-Hey, Jeongin!"

"Hi, Hyung! What's up?"

"I-I'm good.. um.. actually I wanted to tell you something.. and-and make sure about one think...."

"What is it?" Younger smiled once again.

You can do it, Seungmin! You. Can. Do. It. Seungmin took a deep breath.

"I'm gonna confess to you on Valentine's Day, so wait for me after school!"


"After school is fine, right?"


"Be prepared!!!"


"Why is your face all red?"

"Because this is basically a confession..."

"Ah! Forgot I say anything!" Seungmin panicked, running away.


It's Valentine's Day.

Jeongin couldn't concentrate at lesson at all! He was so stressed but also excited and so freaking happy!

When lessons were over, he immediately run out of school, waiting for Seungmin to come out form big, brown and metal doors.

And then he saw him - in pink oversized sweater, beige shorts, powder pink sneakers and that pretty, pink beret. He looked so cute and so innocent! He was holding bouquet of pink and white roses. Jeongin's heart melted from olders cuteness.

Seungmin came near him, his face all red as he looked down.

"H-Hi, Jeongin..."

"Hello, cutie."

"So.. um.. basically.. I-I.. uh... I liked you since.." He think for a moment which Jeongin find very sweet. "since very kind time, a-and I wondered if.. you.. maybe what to be my.. Boyfriend...?"

"Aww, my cutie, of course I want! You think why I always refuse to date everyone? I was waiting till you confess to me!"

"Wait, really?! Chan Hyung, Chan Hyung! He agreed! I have a boyfriend! Jeongin is my boyfriend!" little boy started screaming around excited, ending up in Jeongin's warm arm's.

Everyone (except Bangchan, Minho, changbin, JiSung, Felix and HyunJin) was steering at them, jealous of Jeongin.

But they didn't care.

They are happy because of their love, any that's it.

I think it's kinda cute...?
What do y'all think?

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