[💋] You are such a bad bad lier - Jeongmin

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Top - Jeongin

Bottom - Seungmin

Inspo: some gacha vid and sound from tiktok 💀

It was a lunch break. Seungmin was sitting with his two best friends - Felix and Han - talking about stupid things.

"So, Seungmin, spill the tea! Who's your crush?" Felix asked 15th time in this day.

"Yeah, we told you who we like!" Jisung also get excited.

"I don't like anyone ..." Seungmin answered, lying.

"C'mon, Minnie, you know lying is bad! Just tell us. We won't tell anyone!" Han get closer to Seungmin.

"Alright, I'll tell you!" Seungmin mumbled something and said, "I like Jeongin. That one I have math classes with."

"Omg, it's so cute!" Felix hugged his best friend tightly.

And as is usually the case in such stories, Jeongin heard everything, then smirked and just started eating, going back to his little talk with his friends.


Most of kids were home or on they way to get there, and the only ones that stayed in school were those who had extracurricular activities.

But not Seungmin. He was just about to get in class where Jeongin supposed to be waiting for him. Why? Seungmin didn't know. Jeongin just told the time and place, nothing else.

Seungmin opened the door, slowly and carefully walking in.

"Um you needed me..?" Seungmin asked his crush, blushing a little.

"I heard you have a crush on me." Jeongin said with playful smirk.

Seungmin panicked, "I-I don't have a crush!" Young boy blushed more.

"Oh..." Jeongin pushed Seungmin on door, pinning him against them. "You are such a bad BAD lier, baby."

Yang locked the door behind Seungmin and grabbed puppy-like boy's waist, pulling him as close as he could. Not westing more time, Jeongin kissed and sucked on Seungmin's neck, making him moan loudly.

Seungmin quickly covered his mouth as he realised what sound he made and how sexual it was. Jeongin took that hand from his mouth and tangled their fingers together, pulling away from the younger one.

"Don't hide those beautiful sounds form me ever again." Jeongin ordered, Seungmin gulped on the tone of his voice.

Seungmin nodded. Jeongin grabbed his other hand and put them above his head, pinning him to the door, and started to kiss and bite Seungmin's neck once again. His kisses were getting lower and lower. First on Seungmin's collarbone. Jeongin quickly took younger shirt off, then sucking on his sensitive nipples.

Seungmin wasn't holding back and started moaning like crazy, satisfying older boy.

Jeongin's big hand traveled to Seungmin's waistbelt, looking at his face searching for consent.

Seungmin simply nodded, watching Jeongin taking off his pants with boxers.

He was completely exposed Infront the older, and he lover it. It turned him on knowing he is naked and Jeongin fully dressed up.

Yang kisses were on his hips, slowly getting closer to his crotch. But, Jeongin skipped this sensitive area and started leaving kisses on Seungmin's thighs.

Seungmin whined, grabbed Jeongin by his hair and pulled his face close to his member.

Jeongin chuckled at his behaviour, the said "We should get somewhere more private, shouldn't we? Let's go to my house."

"B-but I'm hard.. people will give me strange looks..."

"I will make sure to hide it, now dress up. Or do you need some help? You look like you're barely standing on your own."

"Help.. please?"

"Of course, baby."

Yang helped him and picked him up. Seungmin cuddled to him like koala.
The elder noticed that Seungmin weighed too little, but decided to point it out to him later


Once they arrived to Jeongin's house, older took Seungmin to his room and finally put him down.

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