[💓] New boy in school - Jilix

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Omg... My first Jilix...

Requested by: art_dispenser
It suppose to be angst, but I couldn't write it, and I'm so sorry again, but I hope you'd like it!


Some idols from other groups are here!
Danielle(New Jeans), Lily(Nmixx) and Wonyoung (Ive). And I'm warning: Wonyoung will maybe seem like a pick me, but she isn't and she really wants to be just friends with Felix.

First day at new school is always the hardest one, especially when you lived all of your live in Australia speaking English, and now your going to Korean high school. Don't knowing Korean language or any place in Korea.

That was the biggest problem in Felixs live right now. Like... What should he do? He isn't fast learner, so learning new language will be so hard for him!


Felix woke up in his new room, completely out of live. He couldn't fall asleep last night because of new place. It was scaring him, even if the night was very calm and quiet.

Young boy got(7) up from the bed and went to his closet. He took his school uniform, which was beige knee-length skirt and navy blue jacket with school's logo. Y'all don't know how much he was grateful for his new principal to accept he liked dresses more!

Felix went to kitchen, having little problem since he barely remembered the way.

"Good morning, sweety!" His mom said in English with Australian accent. The same accent all of his family members had. "Here, eat some breakfast!" She placed a plate full of pancakes and fruits in front of him.

"Thanks, mom.." Felix answered, smiling a little. His smile faded as quick as it appeared.

"Yo, bro, what's up? You look like someone smacked your ass." His sister sat beside him, hitting his arm playfully.

"I don't wan' to go to new school.."

"Aw, don't be such a whiny baby! Your awesome bitch, everyone will adore you!" She said eating her breakfast too.

"Language, dear lady." Their mom warned, but the kids just giggles.

"Thanks, whore."
"No problem, slut."

"Oh no! No cursing in this house!" Their mom's face become red from anger as her kids laughed and run to the front door when their backpacks and shoe's were waiting and run out of the house.


Siblings went to their new school, going to the principal office with a little help from a teacher.

"Hello, kids. My name is Hwang Yeji, I'm the principal here. This is my wife, Hwnag Chaeryoung. She's deputy director and your music teacher." Pretty woman introduce herself with not bad but not good English.

"Good morning, Miss." Said Yongbok's sister "My name is Rachel and this is little brother Yongbookie."

"Please, call me Felix." He said, giving his sister death stare.

"Of course" Woman next to Yeji, Chaeryoung, laughed at siblings behaviour. "Their just like you and HyunJin, babe."

"Right?" When married couple stopped laughing, it was time for formal things.

"Okay, please follow me," Chaeryoung said "I'll show you where is your class. First Rachel."

All three went to class 21c. Chaeryoung quickly tell the kids and teacher that Rachel will be their new classmate.

"Bye, Bokkie. See you at home?" Rachel opened her arms, Felix immediately run to his her.


"Don't be scared! Remember what I said: everyone one will love you!"

Rachel went to her new class. Every kid was asking her questions in Korean, but when she told them she can only speak English for now, they tried, which teacher's and Felix find really sweet.

"Okay, Felix, your turn." Chaeryoung made her way to class 68a, trying to calm blond boy.

"Good morning, kids!" She said to Felix's new class, the boy hide behind the door. Student respond politely. "I have great news! You have new classmate! Please, make him feel welcome and safe at our school." Felix slowly appeared, hearing some gasps and whispers. Right, he have skirt. "This is Lee Yongbok, but you all can call him Felix. He lived in Australia and he can't speak Korean, so please help him learn our language." Chaeryoung smiled.

Kids completely ignored her, some of them rushing to Felix.

"Hi! I'm Lily! I also lived in Australia!" She spoke in English with Australian accent.

"Yeah, me too!" Said girl with curly hair. "I'm Danielle(do I wrote it right?/a.n), and by the way, you look stunning in that skirt!"

"Thanks..." Felix shyly answered, blushing like crazy.

"Aw, his so cute!" Third girl giggled. "I'm Wonyoung, your new bestie!"

"No, his our bestie!" Lily hugged Felix's one arm as Danielle hugged other.

"Exactly! We will be this class Aussie line!"

"Yah! You can't just steal cute boy from me!" Wonyoung said in whiny voice hugging Felix's tummy.

"Leave poor boy alone!" One boy said, pushing girls away from blond haired boy.

Felix fell in love with him right away. He had muscular arm's and thin waist. He looked so tall compared to Felix and the girls, like scary tall, but his face was too cute to be scared of him. He had chubby cheeks and looked just like a squirrel!
He's looks amazed Felix, who was looking at the boy with dreamy, shiny eyes full of love. His lisp wide open, just like he does saw real goddess.

"Um, you okey, blond boy?" He asked in English that was begging for help.

(English is begging, not Han)

"Y-Yeas, your majesty..." He answered, still jumping from one cloud to other, not in a hurry to get back to reality.

Jisung blushed, three girls went giggling, leaving other's confused as they didn't heard anything.

"J-Just call me JiSung..."

I think it's sweet....
I can't possibly (MAYBE) write
pt.2 if you guys want

And I'm sorry once again
that it isn't angst like you
wanted (I feel bad) :(

- a sad mf that wrote this

PS. feel free to request one shots! (But before, please look at first chapter when I wrote ships I'd write about and one's I won't)

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