[💋/🍼] in Little Space - SeungSung

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I posted second one shot of my new book "Boys like you| YEONGYU" that has the best playlist ever! Please check it out if you're interested!

Please don't read if you're uncomfortable with SMUT in Little Space.

Kim Seungmin has been slipping into Little Space for almost two years. All this time he tried to hide it - he was ashamed of who he was. And he succeeded, but one day when he thought he was alone in the dorm, in fact the whole band was there too. Once they caught him playing with his favorite stuffed animals. And when Kim saw them, he was already in Little Space and didn't think he had been caught - he just asked them to play with him, and they were stunned but delighted at the same time and agreed. The next day, when Seungmin was no longer in Little Space, it was time for a serious talk. He explained everything to them. For the next few hours they did not speak to him, but it turned out that they were reading about it, finding out what they could do, what not, how to react. Seungmin was a hundred times grateful for their understanding.


During the interview, what the Skz band thought was a nightmare happened as Seungmin slipped into Little Space in front of fans, reporters, and everyone in general.

But no one noticed until Seungmin...

"D-Daddy, can we go back to home...? Seungie wants to sleep..." The brunette tugged at JiSung's suit sleeve, whispering to him. He was terribly tired, his eyes closed by themselves. In addition, so many people were watching him... He was afraid.

Reporters immediately noticed that Seungmin wasn't focusing on the interview, but was saying something to JiSung. They also noticed a change in facial expressions of the band's rapper.

"Kim Seungmin, what do you think about..." Seungmin didn't listen to the reporter. He stared with glassy eyes at JiSung, who wasn't thinking about how to get out of the situation and what to do so that Seungmin wouldn't be afraid. After all, the boy was more important than this stupid interview or opinion about them.

"Um, I'm so sorry, but Seungmin doesn't feel well. I don't think he's capable of answering." Now the rapper leaned over to the brunette. "How about playing a game, baby? Pretend you're as biiig as Hyung, hm? We're going to prank the others, okay?" He smiled fondly.

"Yes! Seungie... I mean... I like jokes." The boy corrected himself quickly, trying to keep a straight face.

"Very good. If you succeed, I'll buy you a new toy, okay baby?" Kim agreed to this deal.


The interview went quite smoothly. JiSung answered Seungmin's heavier questions, but allowed him to answer some of them himself. While also informing all the other members of the team that Seungmin is now in Little Space. Everyone was very proud of him because of how great he was doing.


"Well done, Seungie! If JiSung Hyung hadn't told me that you're Little now, I wouldn't have known!" Jeongin placed a fleeting kiss on the elder's cheek and he giggled cutely.

"Exactly! You did great!" Minho spoke up this time

"Okay, gentlemen, let's head to the dorm." JiSung caught the band's attention. "Plus, I promised someone a new toy, didn't I? You know, Seungie, you did so well that you'll get two new toys!"


In the dorm, Seungmin immediately fell asleep. He only managed to change from an uncomfortable suit to his doggy kigurumi, and then he was lying in his bed surrounded by stuffed animals.

JiSung decided to join him, and snuggled his tiny body into him, falling asleep.


The next day, JiSung was woken up by none other than Seungmin, but... He was still in Little Space, which is really weird.

"Daddy.. hurts!" Seungmin shook JiSung, who started to wake up.

"Seungie...?" He looked at him vaguely. "Where does it hurt...? Did you hit yourself?" He sat up, propping himself up on his elbows.

"N-No... It hurts here..." He lowered his head and JiSung followed his gaze. His eyes reached down to where he saw the reason for Little's pain - morning erection.

He paused for a moment, not knowing what to do. On any ordinary day, if Seungmin wasn't Little, he probably wouldn't even know about his problem. The boy would do something about it himself, or he wouldn't care at all. But his Little didn't even remember, or rather didn't know, anything about the concept of masturbation. And if he had any problems, something hurt him, and he was little, he immediately went to his hyungs (apart from the fact that Jeongin is younger, he also treated him as an older one), and they bandaged his wound and screamed

"Daddy, please do something... It hurts..." Seungmin cuddled up to Jisung.

"Do you trust your daddy, baby?" Seungmin nodded quickly in affirmative. "I can help you... You just have to trust me."

I'm begging you, after you slip out of little space, don't be mad at me... JiSung thought. He put his hand on his member, covered with the material of the kigurumi itself. He started to massage it gently, watching little's reaction. He looked curiously at his actions, not understanding why he felt so good under Hyung's touch.

JiSung undid the buttons of his pajamas, pulling out the younger's penis. Min hissed at the unpleasant feeling of cold around his private area, but said nothing. He trusted Hyung, and felt that he only wanted the best for him.

The older one wrapped his fingers around its length, starting to pump it rapidly. Seungmin moaned and sighed, feeling a strange but pleasant feeling.

"D-Daddy!" He moaned lingeringly as he came.

He lay back on the bed, falling asleep exhausted from the orgasm. JiSung, on the other hand, cleaned up his semen, covered the little one tightly with the duvet, and went to the bathroom to solve his own problem caused by Seungmins moans.

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