[💋] Innocent maknae - Jeongho

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Top - Jeongin
Bottom - Minho

Almost every member of Stray kids stopped treating Jeongin like a baby since his twenty-third birthday. Of course, in some way they were worry about him more than about the other's but mostly they were just treating him like every other members.

And here is the key: almost every member. Minho never stopped seeing Jeongin like a little baby. Jeongin was still the apple of his eye: he was jumping around him and cared for him like a baby, which only annoyed Yang. Sure - he was grateful for all the care and attention he was receiving from his Hyung but he was adult and wanted to be treated like one.

But, after all, there was something that was pissing him off the most: Minho considered him the most innocent person in the world.

So he just set himself a goal: to prove to Minho that he's not the innocent sweet boy the older thinks he is.


The older Lee worked out at the gym as usual on his days off. Jeongin decided that this was the perfect moment to fulfill his goal.

Maknae walked over to his Hyung who was running on the treadmill. He smiled to himself and stand in front of older.

"Hi hyung~" Jeongin said with playful smirk od his lips.

"I.n-ah! Hello, little boy!" The elder smiled at him and stopped the treadmill. "What are you doin' here? Why aren't you watching movies with the members? I thought they are doing a movie night."

"They are. Felix Hyung and JiSung Hyung choose "Frozen" and now they are all watching all it in the living room." Yang admitted, saying everything he remember.

"And why aren't you watching with them?" Minho asked getting suspicious. "I thought you love that movie?"

"I do, but I have something more important to do."

"Mhm, and what's that?"

"Don't ask any other questions and just come with me, okay hyung?" Jeongin asked, ignoring the question.

"Okay.. you are suspicious." Lee said but just follow the younger.


They both entered the maknae's room, which without any major obstacles pushed the older onto the bed.

"I.n-ah! What are you doing?!" Older asked, or most likely screamed.

"Proving something to you."Jeongin replied, flipping Minho on stomach, spanking his ass cheek really hard, causing him to moan.

"I.n-an~!" the elder groaned, hiding his face in embarrassment.

"Don't cover your pretty face, hyung, I want to see you~" Jeongin said, smirking at Lee.

"Innie, why are you doing this...?"

"To prove you that I'm not an innocent boy you think I'm." Said Yang, like it was the most obvious think in the world. "But, even if I really want to prove you that and fuck that pretty fat as of yours, I'm not a freaking asshole, so I i need to ask you: do you give me a permission to do that?"

"Y-yes, please!" Minho groaned, now horny as hell.

"Good boy~" Jeongin chuckled at cuteness of older. "Strip for me, okay, pretty boy?"

Minho nodded, taking his clothes slowly. He felt how hot his body was and how hot was the temperature in the room.

Jeongin sat on the edge of the bed, patting his things. Minho, understanding his intentions, sat on youngest things as his cheeks were absolutely red now.

"No need to be shy, baby boy. Your so so perfect, I love that little body of yours. All mine now." Jeongin didn't wait for answer and pull the other to sloppy and  wet kiss. Minho moaned onto the kiss, moving his hips, gridding on Jeongin's hard member.
"Oh don't you dare tease me." Yang groaned, grabbing Minho's waist.

"M' so sorry... Can we please go further..? I need you sooo badly..!" Minho said, slipping into subspace.

"Of course, baby. Laid down for me, okay? Spread your legs." Minho did as he was told, felling shy once again. "Such a pretty pink little wet hole, can't wait to wreck it~"

"Please~ mhm, do it!"

"Oh I will, no worries." Jeongin smirked. "Want me to prep you first, bubs?"  Minho shock his head, admiring Jeongins face.

Jeongin took his clothes, throwing them somewhere in the room. He grabbed the lube, spreading it on his hard member.

"It's gonna hurt at first, you know?" Minho nodded. "Okay, ready?"

"Mhm, M' ready..!"

Jeongin smiled softly and kiss a man under his, starting to slowly push in.

"H-hurts!" Lee screamed, feeling pain in his lower parts.

"It's gonna feel better soon, I promise" Jeongin said, as he start pulling out and in.

After a few minutes, Minho's moans form painful become full of pleasure. The older was screaming younger name like there's no tomorrow. Jeongin was sure that everyone heard him, and that's why he felt proud.

"Say who you belong to, baby. Let them hear you~"

"J-JEONGIN! I-I BELONG TO JEONGIN! Ugh-! Fuck~ FEELS S-SOO GOOD!" Minho screamed on top of his lungs, didn't care if his throat would hurt tomorrow.

"Such a good boy!"


The next day, every other members were laughing so hard, seeing Minho unable to walk and very happy Jeongin, who was carrying him everywhere.

"Oi, our poor Minho!" Felix laugh, as he saw that older Lee can't even stand properly and need to prop up on Jeongin.

"MY Minho."

"Yeah, yeah, we heard." Said Seungmin, causing everyone to laugh. Felix and JiSung fell onto the floor, hyunjin was barely sitting on his chair, Changbin was giggling cutely and Chan, who was training not to laugh.

"I'm in pain! Why are you guys laughing?!" Minho screamed as his voice cracked.

"Shush! You already screamed too much last night." Seungmin smirked as next wave of laughs went through the room.

"Okay, okay, but how big is Jeongin?"


"What? I'm just curious! Like, how big he need to be to make Minho unable to even stand!"

"Like maybe 7 inches i think?" Minho reply like it was nothing.

"Close, 9." Said Jeongin, making everyone except Minho gasp.

"O fuck, I'm so sorry for your ass, Minho." Said shocked HyunJin.

"Yeah, me too." Admitted puppy-like boy.

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