[💋/💓] Who takes care of you? - pt.3 Minchan

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Minchan smut as part three!
(I just realized I'm 14 and wrote twice as many SMUTs as my age......)

"I'll be taking bath and you will just stand there?" Minho giggled. "We're locked here anyway, so why don't you just.. take a bath with me?"

Chan smirked at younger boy, pulling him closer by his waist. "I wanted to be a gentleman."

"Well, I don't want you to be one." Minho said in seductive tone, biting his bottom lip.

Chan didn't waste any more seconds and literally ripped off Minho's clothes (without destroying them).

His lips immediately wrapped around youngers nipple, playing with other one with his fingers. Minho whined and squirmed under his Hyung's touch.

Chan pushed item's from washing machine to the side, putting Minho on (not in!) it.

The leader spread his legs apart, lowering his face. He started stretching younger with his tongue, loving how loud Minho already was just by rimming. "D-Daddy, please, Don' need p-prep, j-just put it in!"

"I'm doing what you're saying just because it's your day to order everyone around, enjoy everything and relax, but next time I won't let you tell me what to do. Do you understand, slut?" Minho nodded, loving the dominating side of older. "Answer me before I get mad." Chan slapped his thigh harshly.

"Y-yes, I understand!" Minho moaned, whining second after as Chan still wasn't fucking him.

"Impatient are we?" Chris chuckled, putting lube on his cock. "Are you ready, baby?" Minho moaned at a sudden change in Chan's act. "I need a verbal answer, cutie." Leader smiled at him.

"I-I'm ready, Daddy."

Chan slowly pushed in. "S-Such a good Kitty, n-never f-forgeting how you should call m-me.." He groaned, bottoming out when his full length was inside of Lee.

"P-Please m-move, Daddy..."

Chan placed his hands on Minho's hips, fucking him in animalistic pace. Minho was getting so loud, that it would be a miracle if the members won't hear him.

"D-DaDDy! Feel s'good! DOn't stoOp!~"

"Oh, but I was just about to stop..." Chan slowed his pace, obviously joking. But Minho wasn't in right state of mind to differentiate the sarcastic tone of his voice.

"N-Nu, D-Daddy! Please! I-I'ill be a-a good Kitty, j-just d-don't stop!" Minho cried out, whitch worried Chan.

"Minnie, I was just joking. Are you okey?" He asked, pulling Minho into his arms.

"P-Please, k-keep goin', need y-you!"

Chan understood what's going on. Minho slipped into subspace, whitch is the reason of his submissiveness, neediness and stuttering.

"Of course, Kitty."

The older pushed Minho on his back again, intertwined the fingers of their left hands together and again placed his right hand on Minho's hip.

He again started speeding up his pace, going even faster and harder that before.

"Yesyesyesyes! D-Daddy! Daddy!" Minho rolled his eyes back, not able so say more that few words. He was completely ruined, with Chan though of as the most beautiful view on the world except for Minho's smile.

After literally few more thrusts Minho came on his tummy, Chan finished right after him pulling out perfectly in time.

The older picked up tired sub and put him in the tub, sitting right behind him.


The next morning did not go without teasing.

"D-Daddy! Please! I-I'ill be a-a good Kitty!" Hyunjin mocked Minho.

"next time I won't let you tell me what to do. Do you understand, slut?" I.N imitated Chan, the members bursted out laughing.

"HaHa, so funny!" Minho stepped out of the room, mad.

"No, Kitty, come back!" Chan rushed behind him.

My writing skills:

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