[💓] Who takes care of you? - Ot8, pt.2

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Chan walked into the kitchen, spotting Minho immediately. He approached him and wrapped his arms around youngers waist.

Minho gasped surprised. "Channie-Hyung? You scared me!" The second oldest laughed.

"Sorry, baby." Chan give him warm smile. "But now, stop what you're doin' and follow me."

Minho wanted to argue, but Felix stepped into kitchen and started cooking for him while Chan dragged him out, forcing him not to protest.

Once they were alone in small hallway, Minho stopped walking. "Channie-Hyung, stop. Where you're even taking me? I still have to make breakfast and start working on our schedule! Also, Felix mentioned that he wants to work on his vocals more, so I have to call our menager and vocal teacher, a-and-" Chan shut him up by pulling him in a hug, their faces centimetres from each other.

"Minnie, I'm the oldest, I'm the leader. I'll take care of Felix's voice lessons, I'll take care of our schedule, and most importantly, I'll take care of you." Chris kissed his forehead, looking into his confused, sparkly eyes. "We will take care of you, Minho. All of us. So let us."

"N-No, I-I can't, I can't let the maknae's, Jinnie and Binnie take care of me. I'm older, I have to take care of them! Now. Let ME go and take care of THEM."

As Minho was about to get back into the kitchen, Chan pulled him close again, this time kissing him. Minho returned the kiss right away, melting into his only Hyung touch. "C'mon, baby."

Minho and Chan finally entered the room, they saw Seungmin and HyunJin with backpacks already on.

"You guys are here! Minho, here's your outfit.

Three boys left the room, leaving Minho alone so he could change.

(A/N: no Minchan smut for you guys today)

They went downstairs to have a little chat with other members. Everything was fine untill they heard Minho shouting "HWANG FUCKING HYUNJIN!" from second oldest room.

"What did you do this time?"

"You'll see." HyunJin answered smirking.

Second after Minho stepped into the room with a cute pount on his lips and crossed arms.

The outfit that HyunJin and Seungmin chose for Minho were mom jeans with holes in the knees, a pink sweatshirt with a small "Daddy's baby boy" print, and silver rings.

The members (especially maknae's) bursted out laughing, not carrying if Minho would get mad at them.

"Daddy's baby boy?" Chan read the print making Felix and Changbin fell from laughing so hard.

The leader smiled at them and approached Minho and pulled him closer by his hips. "You are, in fact, Daddy's baby boy~ The shirt isn't lying, Kitten." Chan whisper in his ear only for Minho to hear. The older Lee blushed madly on memory of the night they spent together few weeks ago.



The boys come back with happy Lee know from shop centre. Chan bought him five bags of new clothes. The only thing Minho didn't like was that Chris payed for everything he wanted, and it made him feel kind of guilty about him much his Hyung spent on him.

"So? Do you like the little present?" Chan asked, back hugging Minho when the younger was unpacking his new clothes.

"I love it so much... But why wouldn't you let me pay for it? I should be the one paying for my clothes.."

"Because I wanted to spoil my baby kitten. You deserve three much more than that, and I'm really sad you didn't let me buy you any jewellery."

Minho rolled his eyes on what Chan called him, but still blushed a little.

"Hyungs, come here!" They heard Felix shout from downstairs.

They went there to find decorated living room, table full of snacks and Minho's favourite k-drama on TV.

"Movie night!"

Minho sat down on couch in the middle between Chan and Jeongin. He was amazed by how beautiful their living room looked now, so cosy and in his style.

"Let's watch the drama!" One of the boys pressed 'start'.


A few hours later, Minho was already close to fell asleep in his only Hyung arms.

"Are you sleepy, MinMin?" Second older nodded.

"We'll prepare a bath for you Hyung!" Not waiting for answer, the maknae's disappeared in bathroom, arguing about what flavor of liquid should they use to make bubbles on water (I have no idea if you guys understand what "liquid" I mean).

After next minutes, maknae's finally left the bathroom giggling. "Channie-Hyung~ You should carry our today's princess to the tub, right?"

Chan already knew they planned something, but decided not to ask. He just picked almost asleep Minho and went to Bathroom. Just as soon as he stepped into the room, maknae's locked the doors from outside, so they made it impossible for the oldests to walk out.

"Have fun! We have prepared everything you need on the washing machine!"

The two boys looked at the machine only to find lube, conforms and towels.

"Those kids I swear-" Chan facepalmed. "I'm sorry, Min. You can just take a bath and I will-  just turn around. I swear I won't look."

"I'll be taking bath and you will just stand there?" Minho giggled. "We're locked here anyway, so why don't you just.. take a bath with me?"

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