[💓] "I can be a better boyfriend (...)" - Seungin

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One shot inspired by Dove Cameron song "Boyfriend"♡

(Changbin is here a "villian" so I'm sorry. I love you Changbin♥️)

Seungmin knew Changbin wasn't the best boyfriend: he was drunk almost all the time, always forgetting they anniversary and Seungmin's birthday. He even cheated on Seungmin right after they become a couple. And, of course, Seungmin forgive him.

The younger wasn't even sure if he truly loved the older, but Changbin has something that was making Seungmin stay even if he really wanted to break up with Seo.


Today Changbin forced Seungmin to go with him and their friends to the club, even though he knew Seungmin doesn't like loud places and alcohol.

When they arrived at the club, Seungmin felt very uncomfortable. His boyfriend was ignoring him to flirt with some girls, he and Changbin's friends vere drinking and having fun, music was too loud, but the worst was that he couldn't escape from old man's and woman's that tried to get in his pants.

And at that moment, something happened that Seungmin would never have expected.

Changbin came to him, start swearing at him, calling him "dumd whore" and other's "ugly" word's, than trying to rape him (rape, because Seungmin told him he DON'T want to do anything, but Changbin didn't listen).

When Changbin finally let go and start drinking with his friends again, the music in club stopped for a second. Everyone looked at stage, seeing young boy with microphone, waiting for him to sing.

Seungmin immediately recognised him.

It was Yang Jeongin - his best friend.

Music start playing again when Jeongin's eyes focused on Seungmin, causing him to blush.

"I can't believe we're finally alone
I can't believe I almost went home
What are the chances?
Everyone's dancing
And he's not with you

The universe must have divined this
What am I gonna do? Not grab your wrist?

I could be a better boyfriend than him
I could do the shit that he never did
Up all night, I won't quit
Thinking I'm gonna steal you from him
I could be such a gentleman
Plus all my clothes would fit"

Jeongin winked at Seungmin.

"I could be a better boyfriend

I don't need to tell you twice
All the ways he can't suffice
If I could give you some advice
I would leave with me tonight

The universe must have divined this, mmm, mmm
Ladies first, baby, I insist

I could be a better boyfriend than him
I could do the shit that he never did
Up all night, I won't quit
Thinking I'm gonna steal you from him
I could be such a gentleman
Plus all my clothes would fit

I could be a better boyfriend than him

I could be a better boyfriend

I never would have left you alone
Here on your own glued to your phone
Never would have left you alone
For someone else to take you home

I could be a better boyfriend than him
I could do the shit that he never did
Up all night, I won't quit
I'm gonna steal you from him
I could be such a gentleman
Plus you know my clothes would fit

I could be a better boyfriend than him
I could do the shit that he never did
Up all night, I won't quit
Thinking I'm gonna steal you from him
I could be such a gentleman
Plus all my clothes would fit"

The song ended, everyone applauded, and Jeongin left the stage, walking over to Seungmin.

"And what, baby? Don't you think I'm better than this stupid alcoholic? I saw him flirting with other's, I saw him trying to rape you... I would never do that. I would treat you like my princess, because you deserve to be treated like one." Jeongin said as he tucked Seungmin's hair behind his ear. "I'll give you choice. Your staying here: in club, feeling uncomfortable, seeing this motherfucker cheating on you. Or your coming with me: to my house, do whatever you want, getting boyfriend and live you deserve."

That was the moment: for the first time in his life, Seungmin felt that he can leave Changbin.

"Choose wisely, darling." Jeongin lowered himself to Seungmin's level. "I will be better boyfriend that him. I'll give you everything he can't. I'll fuck you like this bitch would never, I'd never forget about your birthday and never force you to do anything your uncomfortable with."

"I-I want to go with you..." Seungmin whispered.

"Good choice, puppy." Jeongin smirked, picking up Seungmin who cuddled him like koala so he won't fall. "Don't worry, love, I won't drop you."

Jeongin walked to Changbin, saying who Seungmin choose.

Seo was pissed like hell, but Jeongin didn't mind him and went with Seungmin to his car, driving to his house.

"Don't worry about anything, baby. You're save with me."

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