[💋] Mercy - Hyunin

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Top - Jeongin

Bottom - HyunJin

❗Warnings - crying kink, overstimulation, multiple orgasm, toys

(Hyunjin have blond hair)

They didn't know when they went from playing stupid games to heated make out session, or most likely - they didn't WANT to know.

HyunJin was sitting on Jeongin's lap, facing him. He had to admit it: younger was a really good kisser.

Jeongin's hands were travelling from the top to the bottom of HyunJin's back, stopping on his plump butt, squeezing it.

"Let's go to my bedroom, shall we, love?" Without waiting for answer, Yang pick up the older and carried him to his room, gently placed him on the bed. "You don't need those." Jeongin said, taking HyunJin's pants and boxers off, then doing the same withy olders hoodie i t-shirt he has under it. "Pretty" He said, taking a moment to just look and admire the Hwang HyunJin's naked body.

"I'm handsome, right..?" HyunJin asked, feeling shy as hell.

"No. Your not handsome, your beautiful." Jeongin start leaving kisses along with love bites all over HyunJin's chest and stomach. "Very, very beautiful."

"Can you take your clothes off to..?"

"Of course, baby" Jeongin did as HyunJin wanted, reviling everything to older. "You don't need to be shy. Lay down, I'll take care of everything, okay love?"

HyunJin nodded, falling on sheets.

"Spread your legs for me, sweetheart." HyunJin did as he was told, blushing at the pet name."Do you have a safeword?"


Jeongin nodded, poured some lube onto his fingers, spreading it over them.

Yang took one finger and start pushing it inside the older, admiring every sound the boy was making.

Whan he felt it's alright, he added another finger and the third one, stretching Hyunjin's hole.

After a few minutes, he took his fingers out, hearing loud whine.

Then, he grabbed something and in next minute, "Hand's above your head, sweetheart" Jeongin said. HyunJin, of course, did it, feeling the handcuffs on his wrists.

"I-Innie.." HyunJin moaned out loud when he felt something vibrating inside him.

As the vibrations became more intense, tears gathered at the corners of Hyunjin's eyes.

Jeongin was slowly stroking his hard member, starting doing it faster and faster, making HyunJin reach his orgasm.

But he didn't stop here.

Blond haired boy start crying, while moaning youngers name. He cummed again.

It was the most beautiful view Jeongin ever seen: HyunJin begin a complete mess, moaning HIS name, crying for HIS mercy, all needy and sweaty.

"You look beautiful like this, love" He said, don't taking his eyes off of HyunJin.

"I-Innie, ngh~, stop, please~" HyunJin cried "Can't take it anyMORE, AH-!" the older screamed, cumming for the third time.

Jeongin didn't mind his begging, it was turning him on even more.

That was until he heard HyunJin whisper softly: "Cherries". He immediately turn vibrator off, taking it out of HyunJin. He undid his handcuffs, pulling him into a hug.

"I'm so sorry, baby, I should stop earlier so wouldn't need to use your safeword." Jeongin apologized. "Next time I'll be more responsible."

"Next time...? I thought you wouldn't want the next time after I used safeword.."

"Of course I want next time, I'm do proud of you that you use safeword. It's very good that you know your limits." Younger smiled at him. "Let's go clean you up, should we?"

Jeongin picked older and went to the bathroom, placing him onto the washing machine, kissing HyunJin softly.

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