[💋] Our baby boy - Seungmin X Skz

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Bottom - Seungmin

Top - Skz

‼️ Important info :: Seungmin is the maknae here (Jeongin is one year older) and the only bottom in Skz. Also Skz is in a relationship with each other‼️

‼️wearings: name calling (mommy/mino for Minho, daddy for Chan, innie/sir for Jeongin, Oppa for Changbin and Lixie/master for Felix), stammering(A LOT), speaking slurred ‼️

Seungmin is really, really shy person, especially when it comes to THOSE topics. His face is always all red as he's stuttering whenever he's talking about sex and etc.

So, you can easily guess that even if he know he can ask for 'help' and he will receive it, he's always too shy.

But today was different.

He was in his room, horny and frustrated, naked, rubbing against pillow, watching porn, trying to cum. But he couldn't. All he was doing was cumming dry all the time (which wasn't satisfying him at all) and getting himself almost hurt from overstimulation.

Oh, how much he hated touching himself, he loved and wanted to receive touch and love form his boyfriends! Fuck his shyness.

He knew that some of members were in the living room. Not everyone, of course; JiSung went with HyunJin to do some shopping; but every other member was in home, which I mean BangChan, Changbin, Minho, Felix and Jeongin.

Normally Seungmin would try to do something himself, but now everstimulation went all over his brain. He got up from his bed, not carrying about his phone or the fact he's naked. Seungmin walked out of his room, going on shaking legs to living room.

Once he got there and step in the room, all eyes looked at him. He heard some gaps, but he didn't care at all.

"H-Hyungies, h-help, hurts'" He cried out loud as the boys run to him. His legs went so soft that he feel like he was going to pass out and fell but Felix caught him just in time.

"Oh baby what did you do to your self? You should come to us straight away! You could hurt yourself!" Chan spoke worried.

"Yes! You must be more careful!" Changbin kissed Seungmin forehead.

"Okey guys we'll talk about it later, let's make our baby feel good first, shall we?" Jeongin pick Seungmin and head to couch with Felix.

I.N palced his only precious maknae on the couch as carefully as he could, not wanting to hurt his baby though his already so sensitive. Felix gently put his hand on Seungmin's hard member, starting to stroke him slowly as Jeongin was showering maknae in kisses on face, feck or chest, rubbing his tummy.
Seeing that, Minho immediately joined them, spreading his youngest legs apart. Second older started to leave wet kisses and red hickey's on maknae's thighs and plump butt, letting his fingers slowly tease Seungmin's rim.

"M-Mino Hwyung.. Pwese don't twease me mwommy...!~" Seungmin moaned in tears from overstimulation but also pleasure.

God, I love teasing him and watching him impatient... Minho thought to himself. He look so cute and innocent like this even if we are doing not-so-inncocent thing...

"Minho Hyung, we know you love teasing our baby, but please not today. We don't want him to suffer, his already so overstimulated..." Felix whispered so Seungmin wouldn't hear him "I love seeing him like this too, but not today, alright?"

Minho nodded, pushing his middle finger inside the youngest, receiving loud moan. Okay, I love those to. He thought, starting to move his finger in and out.

"M-Master, please, do it faster, please, please, please...!!" He said under his breath. Felix obedient, loving how sweet Seungmin looked.

"S-Sir, w-wheres da-daddy and O-Oppa..?" Seungmin moaned, looking at Jeongin with blurry vision.

"We are right here, puppy." Chris said in English with his Australian accent, knowing Seungmin loved it.

"K-Kwiss mwe?..(Kiss me?)" He sobbed.

Chan smiled, Somehow finding a spot on couch and leaning down to kiss his impatient baby, so did Changbin, kissing Seungmins red cheek and joining the kiss. (If you're wondering - Yes, it's possible for three people to kiss at once.)

Meanwhile Minho added two fingers, scissoring them to stretch youngest entrance and Felix moved his hand away, not wanting Seungmin to cum so fast just from jerking him off.

"Do you think your ready, puppy?" Minho asked, taking his fingers out. Seungmin pulled away from the kiss, nodding his head. "Guys, I'm still a lil sensitive from yesterday, so..." He said kissing Seungmins ankle and moving away from his only bottom.

Felix quickly got on Minho's place as he was a little bit desperate since he didn't have sex or anything like that with Seungmin for past two weeks because of how busy he was creating new choreography for Stray kids new song.

"Is it okay if I'm gonna be the lucky one today, pup?" He asked, ready to also move away in case Seungmin say no. You see, Felix love begin dominat one, but he also is kind of person that wouldn't even hold your hand with no consent.

"O-Of course.. just hurry..." Seungmin said, blushing as he told one of his dominat what to do. He hate doing that, but he's not thinking straight right now.

"Be careful, Felix." Changbin warned him, going back to kissing Seungmin. Chan did the same, Jeongin got back to what he was doing (kissing Seungmins body) and Minho, who started sucking on maknae's sensitive skin on thighs once again.

When Seungmin was fully distracted, Felix started to enter him slowly, immediately speeding his moves.

"Shit..!" He cursed "Your s-so fucking thight, fuck.. shit, baby..."

Now Felix was moving as fast as he could, causing Seungmin to moaning loudly non-stop. Chan and Changbin couldn't kiss him because of that, but that wasn't something terrible for them as they just started jerking off like Jeongin and Minho, listening to sounds of pleasure that filled the room.

"M-Master! Yesyesyesyes! So good! AH! AM CUMMING, I'M CU-CUMMING! OH MY GOD!" Seungmin screamed, cumming all over his tummy and chest, Felix right after him with breathy groan.

All the boys finished just seconds after them; Minho on Seungmin's thighs, Chris on neckline and face, Changbin on chest and Jeongin on maknae's hips. Just then, JiSung and HyunJin came into the room, looking at their sub coverd in cum, immediately getting hard.

"So, um... Who's helping us..?"


- the mf that wrote this shit xoxo

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