[💓] Baby Bunny 2 - Minho X Skz

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+ some more of JeongHo..🤭

Chan for some time thought about how to confront Minho and other members about this sensitive topic. He noticed how the members were all happier in this week - Minho got treatment he always secretly wished for, I.N wasn't as babyied as before, and other's finally could show affection for older Lee without being scared of him becoming mad at them. In short - it worked well for everyone.

Still, confrontations are not Stray Kids' strong suit.

Should he just spill everything out? Wait a little longer? Or maybe I.N would have some better advice..? Did Minho wanted to be confronted at all? Was it too soon?

The wave of questions flooded Chans mind.

Firstly, I should check up on Minho.. - He thought - Yeah, that's a great start.

Leader made his way to Lee Knows room, doubting his decision a few times before reaching the room. He knocked, first quietly, then a little harder.

"Come in!" He heard.. JeongIns voice? What?

He slowly opened the door just to get his heart melted at the sight - Minho sleeping peacefully, yet a bit loudly, with his head on maknaes chest and arms wrapped around his torso. It was so cute Chan had to try really hard not to "aww" at them.

"Is there anything you need, Channie-Hyung?" The youngest asked with small smile on his lips.

"I wanted to ask something but right now I think I should be disturbing you two."

"You aren't disturbing me. Just whisper not to wake up Min and we're all good." Maknaes hand traveled to Minho's hair.

"If you say so.." Chan sat quietly on chair beside Minho's desk. "Well, I wanted to ask you for.. advice, I think? So, I'm wondering, how should I confront the members about this whole situation? I know they're happy and that they love 'new' Minho, but I think as leader I should talk to them.. and Minho should too."

"I think so too. How about you text on our group chat that we need to have a talk together, tell them to get in the living room at the time you think is suitable and start talking to them alone, then you will text me and I will bring Minho down stairs so he will talk to them too? In that way it would be less stressful for Min because there won't be super tender atmosphere there." I.N adviced, in his heart wanting all best for this cute innocent 'baby' he was hugging right now.

"I will take that advice. Thanks so much, Innie."



Old man🥸:
Group meeting in 20 minuts in living. Everyone must be there. No exceptions. @squirelllooo @gym bro I recommend you two running back form gym rn because no being late is acceptable.

I told Changbin too

Hot mad leader is back??😍

Old man🥸:
I'm not mad, Felix

Aww man:(

Aww man:(


20 minuts later...

"What are we here for?" Asked Hyunjin, getting comfortable on couch.

"Yeah, I'm curious too. We didn't have any group couch meetings in a while." Felix added, wrapping his arm around his boyfriend. Hyunjin quietly let his head fell on Felix's shoulder.

"Soo, I guess every each of you had noticed the little change in our house.. The change in Minho's attitude." Chan started. Everyone just nodded or hummed for him to continue. "Well, what do you guys think about it?"


In another room, the one up stairs, the one that belongs to I.N. The youngest member of the group is hugging Minho, making sure he is ready for the talk or any questions the members may ask.

"You know you don't have to talk to them about it now if you're not ready?" JeongIn kissed Lee Knows head.

"I know.. but I'm sure it won't be that bad." The older one snuggled up to I.N.

"Aww you're too cute, I can't. My heart can't take it." JeongIn sighed dramatically, kissing Minho all over his face.

Min giggled, blushing when he felt youngers lips on his..

Around half an hour later...

"Chan texted me we can join them in the living room now." JeongIn announced. "Ready?"

"Yeah.. I guess."

Well, fortunately for Minho, his only hyung said too much and answered too much questions that there were almost non left for him. Their talk didn't even last five minutes as the members didn't have any more questions to ask.

"So, who's up to some cuddles?" Changbin hugged Minho tightly, smirking as he noticed little spark of jealousy in maknaes eyes...

And that's what I'm leaving you guys with for this story:)

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