[💓] Baby Bunny - Minho X Skz

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Yo did I just pulled the best prank in my life??😏 Don't tell me yall really though I would leave my fav people!!

It may seem like it a little, little bit but it's not  little space one-shot!

"Oh my! Baby, have you hurt yourself?" Jisung asked, worried.

Tho JeongIn only just fell from last step of stairs to the ground.

"No, Hyung, I'm alright." Maknae smiled, trying to hide his annoyance.

It was really nice at first to have so many (all seven!) people take care of you and worry about, but now this was just so frustrating to have all of them worry about things like him accidentally spilling water on himself. They're treating him like baby ALL THE TIME, even after he became ADULT!

He loved all his hyungs and appreciated them taking care of him, truly, but it was getting on his last nerve. He tried to voice this topic many times but only heard "but you're still our baby!" in return.

The only person who, in fact, listened to him was Lee Minho. The man was actually treating him like adult, didn't talk to him in baby voice, didn't try to make him sit in his lap or tried to feed him his food, yet still was there when he really needed help. And it was all I.N wished from other members.

Because like, why can't he watch a movie that's marked 'for adults'(NOT porn.) for it's violence? He IS adult!

"You sure, baby? Nothing hurts?" Felix approached him, helping him get up from the flor.

"Yes I am, Hyung."

"But like sure-sure? We don't want you to be injur-"

"He said he's fine, Lix. And he's name is JeongIn, not baby." Minho's voice was heard loud and clean from the stairs he was walking down from.

"I know, bu-"

"Felix, we need to stop babying him as he asked fo-!" Minho lost his balance on fourth step of stairs, unable to end his sentence.

Fortunately for him, JeongIn quickly caught him before he hit the ground like I.N did seconds before.

"You alright, Hyung?" JeongIn asked with soft voice, doing the same thing the sunshine duo did before - worried too much about something so-not-dangerous.

"Y-Yeah.." Minho answered, blush appeared on his cheeks from I.Ns ton of voice.

Oh, how much Minho loved when someone was taking care of him! As second oldest of the group and "the coldest" he thought he couldn't let any of the members see his soft, true side. Because he did it one, let Chan hug him in survival show, he broke down crying, and he didn't want to feel so weak again. Yet, he still wishes to be maknae sometimes... He wants to sit in his members lap, be teased, hugged all the time. No matter how bad it sounds, he wanted attention to be focused on him.

So, even the slightest things like I.N using baby voice on him, made his ears burn.

And JeongIn would have to be blind not to notice his reaction. He decided to see if his hipothesis is right...

"Oww, but you could really hurt yourself, is our baby sure his all fine?" The maknae pulled older Lee closer.

Minho just blushed harder, as Han and Felix were dumbfounded to why Minho wasn't already screaming at I.N.

"Y-Yes.." Minho answered, again, stuttering.

Yang smirked as he knew he was right.


"Hey, Chan, can I talk to you?" Asks I.N when he enters studio with 3RACHA members inside. "In privacy."

"Sure, Innie. Can you guys leave for a moment?"

Changbin and Han left, curious.

"So? What can I do for you, I.Ns?" The leader asked.

"Well..." JeongIn sat in couch that was in the room. "I noticed something about Minho.."

"What is it?" Chan grew a little bit worried as he was Minho's only hyung.

"Hm, how to put it in a words you would understand... I'm the maknae by age, but Minho is our real maknae."

Bang's face shown how confused he was.

"What I mean is that I'm the youngest, but Minho is the one who wants to be treated like I am treated. He likes to sit in someone's lap, haven't you notice how smiley he gets when you 'forcefully' pull him on your lap? He likes when we talk to him in baby voice and take care of him, I tested that today but I noticed it earlier, too. And when we hug him without a reason? He's over the moon!" JeongIn explained, waiting for Chan's reaction.

"I mean I noticed how he in fact likes when I hug him from behind but I never thought about it in that way. We never treated him like you because he is the second oldest..."

"Exactly! And with people on the internet calling him cold and mean? He must think we think about him in that way, too!"

"You.. might be right. Let's both try and treat him like you for.. two days, but not make it super obvious when the members are around, ok? When we make sure that's what Minho really want, we will decide further." Chan decided.

"Love this idea!"


When Minho was cooking diner and all the other members were sitting in living room watching TV, Chan walked into the kitchen.

Minho was alone. It was a perfect opportunity..

Chan walked closer to Minho, then hugged him from behind and with a baby voice asked, "what is our baby doing?~"

Minho gulped, ears in cute pink shade, loving this kind of act. "Ttaebboki..(not sure if I wrote it right)"

"Mhmmm, it smells amazing!"

"Thank you."

"Enjoy your meal!" Echoed thought the members when they started eating meal prepared by Lee Know.

"Oh my, Min, it's sooo well!" I.N praised Minho, "you did so good, baby bunny!" He whispered, unfortunately loud enough for few members to hear.

"T-Thank you."

Other members said few more nice things about Minho's cooking skills, but not Han. This one was too focused on Minho, I.N and Chan ad me noticed little things they were doing - whipping Minho's lips with tissue when he accidentally got dirty, patting his thigh. Those were all almost unnoticeable details, yet so cute and carrying he almost awwed at them.

Yet, he had a question in his mind - why? Why are they treating him like a baby then he is the SECOND OLDEST?


After two days, all of the members noticed the change in act of the three of them, and that when Han started doing the same - babying I.N less, and Minho much more. Now, after a weekt, it was like a little tradition for Han to hug Minho to sleep or when he wakes up. And, of course, other members picked up their act.

Minho was simingly more happier in house, I.N had more peace and finally a person he could take care of.

Such a small thing yet changed their dorm forever. Now it was hard not to hug Minho super tight or kiss his cheeks on camera!

Soooo I think I did a great prank over all haha!

(I'm not sure if I like this one shot or not:/ )

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