[💋] New Song - Seunglix

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Top - Felix

Bottom - Seungmin

So... Felix is leader here bc I said so (and this is also an transition from polish to english)

Stray kids are working on their comeback right now. This is something very important to them - they don't want to let Stays down.

According to the band members, Felix is working the most on comeback. He has not left the studio for several days, except for breaks for physiological needs and washing. During that time, he slept for only five hours in total, and limited his meals to only one a day "to save time."

Another "most" goes to Seungmin, who was the most worried about Felix of all. Of course, everyone cared about the leader, but Kim most-most. After all, he and Felix have been engaged for two years, and it doesn't matter if the fans don't know it, and they hide it all the time - their love, mutual admiration and care for each other knows no bounds.


"Lee Felix." He caught the attention of his fiancé. They were both in the studio, alone. The rest of the band had already recorded their verses and went home tired. Seungmin stayed behind, making sure Felix ate something  and then take a nap on couch. He had just woke up and get back to work.

“Yes, honey?” he asked, turning to face him in the chair. He smiled brightly, looking at the still sleepy face of his beloved.

"Come here..." he muttered, extending his hands towards him. It was obvious he wanted a hug.

Felix was blown away by this fact. No matter how long they were together or how many times they cuddled, he loved it. He loved to bury Seungmin's tiny body in his arms, making him feel the most save person in the world.

The elder rode up to him in a chair, efficiently moving him to his lap. The younger man wrapped his legs around his hips and his arms around his neck. Felix returned to the computer, starting to work again.

After a few minutes of tenderness, Seungmin started to feel a little different than he did a few moments ago. His body was hot and his thoughts became obscene. He thought of Felix, of his sculpted body, of his intense perfume that was driving his nostrils crazy. His penis began to harden, and he only wanted his fiancé to destroy him here and now, in this studio.

He made a gentle movement with his hips that Felix didn't even feel. The next one was a bit more intense. This time Lee felt it very well, because Seungmin rubbed against his manhood hidden under the clothes, moaning softly in his ear. The next movements began to be more and more confident, and Seungmin stopped restraining himself and moaned softly. When Kim tried to move again, Felix stopped him. The elder's breathing was greatly accelerated, and his thoughts were racing.

"Seungmin, strip." He ordered, but the boy didn't move. "Right now." This time, the younger immediately began to obey the command.

Meanwhile, Felix had lowered his pants to mid-thigh, along with his boxers. Seungmin came back on his lap, looking away.

Felix's fingers found their way to his hole, into which the team leader slowly began to insert the first finger. And you can guess how surprised he was when he felt no resistance. He quickly added a second finger, which also slid smoothly inside the younger one.

"Seungmin, Have you…" he started, grinning meanly.

"I've prepared for you..." The boy replied, knowing what question his fiancé wanted to ask.

"Oh yeah? So this is what you wanted?” He asked, sliding into Seungmin in one move. The boy on his lap cried out, silently thanking the walls for soundproofing.


"Answer me, baby." He demanded, using his hands, starting to slowly lift and lower Seungmin's body on his dick.

"Y-Yeah, L-Lixie..." Seungmin tried to put together some correct sentences, but his mind was on something else entirely.

Younger began to move his hips, bouncing faster and faster on his fiancé's penis. He moaned, not even thinking about any restraint - after all, no one hears them anyway.

"L-Lix, I-I'm... Um, Uh~... C-close..." He moaned in the older man's ear.

"Me too baby, me too..."

Suddenly, a few hip movements later, they both came - Felix inside the younger Seungmin, and the boy on his bare stomach, also dirtying his fiancé's shirt.

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